itsecuriteer's tweets (I)

  • DKoller on TED talk online education as a way to personalise content to the audience, maybe the way to teach security?Nov 18, 2012 
  • @SebastianSeung on TED: the complexity of genetics compared to it, infosec is a kid's game, or not? any genetic link? Nov 16, 2012 
  • Daphne Koller on TED talk using peer grading in their Internet wide educational offer, similar idea used by @martinvarsNov 14, 2012 
  • @eldsjal spotify co-founder at Stanford: innovation is solving a problem with existing things, wisdom pill for infosec Nov 11, 2012 
  • @eldsjal spotify co-founder: focus at a thing and try to solve the use of that, learning pill to fully apply in infosec Nov 09, 2012 
  • S&R Nov 2012 blog post: A security/privacy site to bookmark, with real personal data loss samples: 08, 2012 
  • Daniel Ek @eldsjal spotify co-founder at Stanford: sensors + smartphones + gadgets is the future let's add sec on time! Nov 07, 2012 
  • is privacy dead in our current society? Presumably, however there are initiatives such as this from @maltespitz Nov 04, 2012 
  • creating security in the 21st Century via open source and networked communication? possible according to @stavridisj Nov 02, 2012 
  • entrepreneur talk Samara-Rubio and @YouNoodle at Stanford "look for obsessiveness when recruiting" applicable to...Oct 31, 2012 
  • #linux an encrypted home drive and connecting via ssh using keys? take .authorised_keys file outside the crypto zone Oct 28, 2012 
  • #ubuntu hassle with the network? do not forget #service network-manager restart & /etc/network/interfaces & /etc/init.d/firestarter status Oct 26, 2012 
  • #ubuntu need to configure network without network-manager? otherwise check /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.confOct 24, 2012 
  • #ubuntu encrypted personal home and access via ssh? create a .profile file owned by the user & ecryptfs-mount-private 21, 2012 
  • #ubuntu piece of wisdom: shutting down an ubuntu box via ssh? #poweroff or #reboot really do that, however #shutdown maybe hangs xwindows Oct 19, 2012 
  • u prefer a 50% increase in quantity or a 33% reduction in price? human intuition ;-)as it happens with risk perception Oct 16, 2012 
  • #linux sshd_config man page "DEBUG log level violates the privacy of users and is not recommended" in /var/log/auth.logOct 14, 2012 
  • #linuxsecuritypearl u need to know who and how long used a linux machine in the last 4 days? type last -F -i -x and check /var/log/auth.log Oct 12, 2012 
  • #linuxlittlesecuritypearl open an xterm and type history > historyfiledate.txt every month to keep your commands at hand, increase readiness Oct 10, 2012 
  • grading strategy in @martinvars classes qualify as an strategy for a business to select an infosec stance? worth trying Oct 07, 2012 
  • Ms hurd at Stanford: A failure is an opportunity to learn to succeed, is being owned in infosec also a learning opp? Oct 05, 2012 
  • chess players have greater memory at chess only, infosec pros have greater risk management skills only in their job?mmm Oct 02, 2012 
  • Sec&Risk Oct 2012 blog post on how can we use psychological studies on human intuition to improve sec at the workplace 01, 2012 
  • current economic failures stem from lacking risk management, time to imbricate economics with infosec and grow a better risk manag control?Sep 29, 2012 
  • Inet business ideas from @martinvars air passenger social net & consumer helping bots and a security user helping bot?Sep 27, 2012 
  • The importance of context and environment in language learning by @dkroy infosec is also context-dependent, ideas? Sep 26, 2012 
  • Google audience @joshuafoer talk Is Internet bringing lack of critical thinking? Signal to noise ratio in searches? Sep 23, 2012 
  • Google audience @joshuafoer talk expertise in most fields takes 10 years to arrive I'd add... also in infosec Sep 21, 2012 
  • Google audience @joshuafoer talk google search based on popularity, freedom of opinion but not freedom of truth Sep 19, 2012 
  • @joshuaklein in SEpod personal space in an ATM queue gets smaller if the one waiting is talking through the phone ;-) 16, 2012 
  • @joshuaklein in SEpod better than training people in an engagement, use those behaviours they are already trained at 14, 2012 
  • @Malcgladwell on variability and how, more than being asked, we need to try out! idea to apply to infosec stakeholders Sep 12, 2012 
  • DGeer RB227 infosec as a complex job, linked with Dan Kahneman concept of scarce expert intuition 08, 2012 
  • Dan Geer on RB226 those not caring about privacy arguing that have nothing to hide are + detrimental to keep privacy Sep 07, 2012 
  • T Chevalier @tedtalks suggests a novel way to enjoy art let's look for a new way to explain infosec to business users Sep 07, 2012 
  • aapl IPv4 net range hp, and, let's not forget to secure ipv6 Sep 05, 2012 
  • Dan Geer on @riskybusiness episode 226 sigint example - identifying traffic jams counting the number of cellular phones connected to a pointSep 02, 2012 
  • S&R Sep 2012 blog post on how to survive success, if such a thing exists in itsecurity ;-), enjoy Stanford podcast! Sep 01, 2012 
  • @rkurzban talks with @eduardpunset, our mind is worried about survival, not about finding the truth input source for SE 29, 2012 
  • @rkurzban writes on human brain modularity, idea worth exploring to bring to infosec: modular & independent sec measure Aug 26, 2012 
  • @humanhacker & Dr Ekman our feelings affect us when reading others' , this can be a decisive point in an infosec meetup 23, 2012 
  • @humanhacker & DrEkman, we believe we identify trustfulness even in a photo e.g.via face symmetry,why are we so naive? Aug 21, 2012 
  • @humanhacker & Dr Ekman, trustful people live happier than distrusting, distrusting jobs bring less health,and infosec? 19, 2012 
  • alternative tweet: introduce the non IT day in your week and... your security thoughts will be much more human, durable ... and effective Aug 16, 2012 
  • for years we thought stress provoked ulcers but it was a bacteria how many years we need to add sec in SW engineering?Aug 14, 2012 
  • mini robots that can fly & cooperate, algo coding is still valuable for mankind, I miss a similar innovation in infosec Aug 12, 2012 
  • big data, key for successful companies, customer-centric, maybe infosec needs to adapt instead of reject this trend Aug 10, 2012 
  • as author of it's great to listen to @RealGeneKim saying that security needs to enable business Aug 08, 2012 
  • a measure against programmed obsolescence is not patching or upgrading, certainly an alternative way of thinking here! 05, 2012 
  • @RealGeneKim security in Dev-OpS: a quality of the common work by development and operations,an idea with potential thx Aug 03, 2012 
  • Alison Hardingham on coaching, a human process mainly oriented 2 give hope 2 a human being - what about coaching for infosec professionals? Aug 01, 2012 
  • Sec&Risk Aug 2012 blog post on WPA password strength & the role of special characters in WPA passphrases enjoy entropy! Jul 31, 2012 
  • @simplenomad at @pauldotcom ep267 first patch and then test, controversial & effective, sometimes infosec overcomplicates things Jul 29, 2012 
  • DLD conf 2012: soon our mobile will be our wallet, time for infosec to jump on this train on time in a friendly manner Jul 27, 2012 
  • DLDconference 2012: tablets r mostly used in the evenings. Is infosec making use of global mobile statistics 4 defence? Jul 25, 2012 
  • rapport is getting emotional closeness with someone, so far from infosec & so essential to succeed 22, 2012 
  • C Kleineidam @QSDeutschland at 28c3 talk on reading brain waves using open source the prologue to biohacking? Jul 20, 2012 
  • looking for the bootanimation in an android, not in /system/media? not in /data/local? look for a bootanimation binary in /system/bin voila! Jul 18, 2012 
  • CSumner at SE podcast agreeable people use more speech fillers in FB (60% stat chance) personality profiling soon? Jul 15, 2012 
  • CSumner at SE podcast extroverts use longer sentences and have more friends in facebook (60% statistical chance) Jul 13, 2012 
  • Thanks to #i4s organisers and presenters, a real itsecurity and tech risk think-tank, an eye-opener, worth the visit! Students, seize it! Jul 11, 2012 
  • CSumner from at SE podcast profanity in facebook indicates less conscientiousness(60% stat chance) 11, 2012 
  • what about using the business process canvas to infosec processes? and a way to sync with businessJul 08, 2012 
  • July 2012 post is out! Pieces of wisdom from Dr. Taher ElGamal in 2010. Still current and relevant Jul 02, 2012 
  • DHopkins @ecorner banks competitors are Internet megaplayers like amazon, apple, google how do they approach security? Jul 01, 2012 
  • DHopkins @ecorner talks about design thinking applied to banks lets apply it to infosec, effective breakthroughs neededJun 29, 2012 
  • DHopkins @ecorner seniors: the fastest growing age segment in Inet see who makes them sec aware? Jun 23, 2012 
  • 28C3 keynote by Evgeny Morozov middlemen get wealthier in times of nations' embargo including surveillance gear trade 22, 2012 
  • JHarbinger on SE podcast check your body posture, straight, no tension and hips leaned forward, every doorway you cross 20, 2012 
  • JHarbinger on SE podcast keep eye contact until you identify eye colour powerful tip, happy to learn its effectiveness Jun 17, 2012 
  • JHarbinger on SE podcast emotions cloud judgement let's have that in mind when presenting proposals to CxOs a challenge Jun 15, 2012 
  • JHarbinger on SE podcast we need the right mix of authority and friendliness when proposing an SE action this is an artJun 13, 2012 
  • JHarbinger on SE podcast men are visual and women look for safety in relations, could this be applied to teach infosec? 10, 2012 
  • H Gardner 8 intels: linguistic, logic-math, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal & naturalistic Jun 08, 2012 
  • SE podcast with BBarker from thehalocorp, gait analysis a non-intrusive alternative to traditional biometrics promising Jun 06, 2012 
  • SE podcast with BBarker from thehalocorp, the way to deal with anything is the way to deal with everything, wise wordsJun 03, 2012 
  • SE podcast with BBarker from thehalocorp, the way things start is the way things end, intelligence gathering is the key Jun 01, 2012 
  • June 2012 post is out! Through the IT forum jungle: an example with an Android smartphone, enjoy&improve May 31, 2012 
  • F Rieger and Ron in 28c3 a demographic KPI: # of WLANs within your PC's range, from 0 to 50, countryside or city center 30, 2012 
  • Urbach & willowbl00 on 28c3 designing sw for crisis/disaster/revs? keeping some groups outside is a needed feature May 27, 2012 
  • C Nickerson @indi303 at source: ask your CEO what terrifies them and focus on avoiding that terror powerful strategy May 25, 2012 
  • C Hadnagy on social-engineer podcast: the best social engineers make people feel good about themselves infosec needs SE May 23, 2012 
  • C Nickerson: consider home field advantage when protecting business infosec CSIRTs, consider it! cool idea thx @indi303May 20, 2012 
  • C Nickerson @indi303 at source barna: the patch for human stupidity is experience let's focus on real threats in sec May 18, 2012 
  • C Nickerson @indi303 at source barna: setup and forget, bad idea in sec prefer setup, run, learn, tweak and get value May 16, 2012 
  • 28c3 JAppelbaum @ioerror and R Dingledine where there is censorship, there is first surveillance infosec can get shady 13, 2012 
  • 28c3 KNohl & LMelette Q&A trick, phone 112 or 911 in Europe or US before your critical call to avoid a fake GSM BS ;-) 11, 2012 
  • 28c3 JAppelbaum @ioerror and R Dingledine some countries do content filtering per dsl line requiring lots of manpower? 09, 2012 
  • 28c3 JAppelbaum @ioerror and R Dingledine more than 400K tor users worldwide any other crowdsourcing security project? May 06, 2012 
  • 28c3 KNohl & LMelette mobile operators do not authenticate every call attempt & nice competitor map May 04, 2012 
  • 28c3 S Schultz on DNA databases and forensic use, analysis outcome is a probability, not a 100% match in most cases 02, 2012 
  • May 2012 post is out! 3 "network detective" activities enjoy the reading and send comments&proposals thx Apr 30, 2012 
  • Ken Robinson on creativity: creating something original with value, for that, we need an element, control and passion Apr 29, 2012 
  • 28c3 S Schultz on DNA law enforcement databases, more than 50% of entries in some key countries are petty crime entries Apr 27, 2012 
  • S Conheady in SE podcast on SE pen tests, stereotypes as male IT technician and female admin staff are still usual Apr 25, 2012 
  • Dean Hamer: VMAT2 gene contributes to spirituality, what about looking for the security gene? reality or fiction? Apr 22, 2012
  • linux wisdom $df -h to see how space consumption on storage device & partitions in a human readable manner, sometimes we back to basicsApr 20, 2012 
  • linux humble wisdow - $ ls -aluR | grep filename helps to find that file u don't find but remember something from its name Apr 18, 2012 
  • 28C3 keynote video & image search is done (so far) by tagging in manually text in image elements, geopolitics and tech Apr 15, 2012 
  • ubuntu wisdom - $sudo apt-cache showpkg packagename | less to get info and $dpkg -s packagename to see if installed and apt-cache search pn Apr 13, 2012 
  • @pentestit the website featured in the Spanish speaking IT Security press thanks for your site Apr 11, 2012 
  • linux wisdom - #rfkill block/unblock/list wifi/bluetooth/wwan useful command to disable rf in linux - u can add these lines in /etc/rc.local Apr 11, 2012 
  • linux wisdom - if u rename a script file in /etc/init.d/ folder the respective service will not start at bootup i.e. mv filename disablefile Apr 08, 2012 
  • Eurotrash e26 talk with wallofsheep crew and mention a nifty tool, driftnet, to check your sanity Apr 06, 2012 
  • R Gula in PDC, client side pen testing brings more legal woes than value & eventually we all know the result remember! Apr 04, 2012 
  • April 2012 post is out! Book review - Surviving Cyberwar by @stiennon Apr 01, 2012 
  • @jaysonstreet on NSP, social engineer your staff rightly before they are SE wrongly any of his talks show SE does work!Mar 28, 2012 
  • J Mah: intelligence-based hiring for start-ups is not smart, focus also on deadlines, communication and... also in sec! Mar 25, 2012 
  • thx @TheDarkTangent and @wh1t3rabbit so this is the time to be in sec! dnssec and ipv6 will be or are the foundations 23, 2012 
  • thx @theprez98 @grecs @infojanitor @wh1t3rabbit 4 the privacy panel let's enable ghistory to know just as google does 21, 2012 
  • oncologist F Calvo "we need to see the person and not only the tumor" we need to see the business, not only the vuln!Mar 18, 2012 
  • @stiekes & @Wh1t3Rabbit propose: a small infosec lead team and itsecuriteers in business areas, sounds worth trying 16, 2012 
  • B Stiekes: infosec profs willing to progress in companies need to provide business value, good that the word is spread Mar 14, 2012 
  • B Stiekes: security teams get less love even that network team in companies - this is our PR&marketing improvable fail Mar 11, 2012 
  • J Fuster: cognition and memory reside on neuronal nets and not on the cells themselves, where does infosec reside? Mar 09, 2012 
  • a way to manage panic in hard times like sec incidents? rehearsals, following the steps before something happens gets u trained, remember itMar 04, 2012 
  • @Mike_Poor pyramid:policy, policy enforcers & audit tools, security can save $ and the London Tower crown jewel example Mar 02, 2012 
  • March 2012 post is out! A summary of R Anderson's security economics lecture in 2011 Mar 01, 2012
  • @Mike_Poor in pdce264p1 compliance is the reason why companies bring IDS into their networks BTW, test your apps! 29, 2012 
  • #gsic2012 "the hedgehog" was dull? maybe "not ready for that yet…but your kids are gonna love it!" (adapted from a back to the future quote)Feb 26, 2012 
  • thx to #gsic2012 @mgesteiro @diervo et al., open spirit, sec kungfu and exchange of ideas & thx to those who enjoyed "the hedgehog dilemma"Feb 26, 2012 
  • J Granick on pdce260 the bigger the audience of your security publication, the less likely that it is an unlawful act Feb 26, 2012 
  • @joshcorman on defendable systems, wise concept to consider from the idea phase - what about defendability assessments? Feb 24, 2012 
  • @joshcorman on infosec "if u r a little far behind u need to work harder, if u r far far behind u need to work smarter" Feb 22, 2012 
  • @joshcorman thanks for the retweet - lots of juice can be squeezed from that episode, lady&sir! stay tuned;-) @451wendy Feb 20, 2012 
  • @joshcorman on NSPe257 "we want a finite list, the shorter the better... so that we can finalise it but infosec isn't" Feb 19, 2012 
  • @carlos_perez in pdce6 espanol $sudo nmap -sS -P0 -p3389 -ofile creates a grepable file - useful line! Feb 17, 2012 
  • Jasmine SJ on SE podcast a tool to identify someone's way: what do u expect it will happen? the answer will be telling! Feb 15, 2012 
  • Brad Feld on entrepreneurship: learning every day should be the mantra nice proposal also for infosec professionals Feb 12, 2012 
  • weather-based insurance for agriculture sooner or later the infosec related insurance market for business will take off Feb 10, 2012 
  • Phil Libin at Stanford, we live in a IT geek meritocracy, or sort of is this also true for IT security? Comments? Feb 08, 2012 
  • Phil Libin, security products are not sexy, they don't thrill customers we need 2 find ways to 4 security to inspire Feb 05, 2012 
  • HDMoore voice-based hacking, use the default voice in the phone voicemail, avoid recording a message with your voice 03, 2012 
  • Neal Gabler and "the elusive idea", "we prefer knowing to thinking" in this info age I do miss innovation in infosec! Feb 01, 2012 
  • new Security and Risk blog post on building rapport - crew interviews Robin Dreeke enjoy it! Feb 01, 2012 
  • Demographer JVaupel "we will work more years but less hours a day, more time for leisure" personal infosec will be key!Jan 29, 2012 
  • rabbit podcast: a security vulnerability is a security defect in QA terms, names in security confuse CIOs, keep it easy Jan 27, 2012 
  • Chris Nickerson in DerbyCon, "decisions on what to secure transcend our salary level, ask business owners" and listen!Jan 25, 2012 
  • Chris Nickerson in DerbyCon, "focus your security efforts into what brings/keeps your company alive" the rest is noise Jan 22, 2012 
  • Chris Nickerson in DerbyCon, "any change modifies your threat surface, either increasing it or decreasing it" remember!Jan 20, 2012 
  • Chris Nickerson in DerbyCon, "complexity decreases security" write it close to your diary ;-) keep your systems easy Jan 18, 2012 
  • CNickerson in DerbyCon, Mike Tyson quote "everybody has a plan until they get punched in their head", plan = guess #inJan 15, 2012 
  • J. E. Street at Derbycon, users are not stupid, IT security teams that do not train their users are, let's remember #in Jan 13, 2012 
  • the importance of a down to Earth & effective SIEM, gather only a few meaningful logs -last fragment of biz sec pod #in Jan 11, 2012 
  • rabbithole podcast: hacked companies have a tougher time if they are B2B and not B2C - worth considering thought! Jan 08, 2012 
  • rabbithole podcast: hacked companies, if smart & customer-focused, can even use a hacking incident to increase sales Jan 06, 2012 
  • risk hose podcast idea - assess security in business processes and not only in servers or applications - idea for 2012 Jan 04, 2012 
  • the risk hose podcast - IT security focus on control effectiveness but not so much on threat analysis - let's add that! Jan 01, 2012 
  • infosec people i.e. itsecuriteers also eat ;-) enjoy the first 2012 securityandrisk blog post feedback welcome! Jan 01, 2012 
  • depression comes accompanied or is caused by unrealistic expectations - in information security, could job frustration have the same origin?Dec 30, 2011 
  • Martin Varsavsky at TED "entrepreneurship is all about assessing risks" nice similarity with information security Dec 28, 2011 
  • Alex Hutton in pauldotcom on security upstream communications within companies "don't be scared and don't scare people" Dec 25, 2011 
  • Alex Hutton in pauldotcom "we understand possible threats but we don't focus on probable ones" spot on! let's improveDec 23, 2011 
  • using a mem trick to build a pwd based on increasing a number or changing only some chars? if they get to the pwd, they will always know it!Dec 21, 2011 
  • CNickerson on wh1t3rabbit's 1 podcast - complexity breeds insecurity - a good message to convey to executives Dec 18, 2011 
  • CNickerson on the 'one bear and men running ahead' metaphor for security, the prob is that the no. of bears grows Dec 16, 2011 
  • Rik Ferguson from Trendmicro -share in social networks what u don't mind to shout out loud in the marketplace remember!Dec 11, 2011 
  • Rik Ferguson from Trendmicro - a million email addresses costs USD 8 in the spam industry keep the figure in mind! Dec 09, 2011 
  • Rik Ferguson from Trendmicro on plidpodcast - every 3 second a new piece of malware is created keep the figure in mind!Dec 07, 2011 
  • Rik Ferguson from Trendmicro on plidpodcast, we all overshare personal information is this a human trait? worth a studyDec 05, 2011 
  • TM on underground economy - a US credit card number plus CCV costs USD 3, a full identity around 10 USD Dec 05, 2011 
  • a summary of R Anderson's sec economics lecture in 2011 appears on March 1 2012, "with no incentive, no sec"! Dec 01, 2011 
  • December 2011 post! A summary of SSL And The Future Of Authenticity: A talk by Moxie Marlinspike 01, 2011 
  • defcon, bsides, blackhat,... sec cons ... good technologists...good presenters? communicating security is not easy Nov 30, 2011 
  • @stiekes @Wh1t3Rabbit thx for the business side of security podcast, enjoyable and eye opening BTW check Nov 29, 2011 
  • Prof Peter Waldmann on terrorism -two types, generational and ethnic - you can also find both of them on cyberterrorism 27, 2011 
  • ever wondered what stuff and IT elements are in a police patrol car? improvable usability, integration and.. security? Nov 25, 2011 
  • Prof Zimring on crime, it is not as persistent and predictable as initially thought minute 25 is this also true in... Nov 23, 2011 
  • @martinvars ask Tim O Reilly on the 3 main drivers in information security for this decade - thx Nov 21, 2011 
  • Prof Zimring on the situational and contingential nature of criminality minute 18 is this also true in cybercrime? Nov 20, 2011
  • Brian Krebs on police-led intelligence podcast, credit card skimmer prices start at some USD hundreds Nov 18, 2011 
  • Brian Krebs on police-led intelligence podcast, according to Vint Cerf, 15 to 20% computers in Internet have a bot Nov 16, 2011 
  • @humanhacker a reference SE book your book! read a review in the November post of thanks! Nov 14, 2011 
  • nice reason to become police officer - being able to help people through one of their worst times similar to infosec? Nov 13, 2011 
  • SMEs find themselves in the middle of a hacking lake with no help, only the "I told u so" story works pdc epi252 Nov 11, 2011 
  • hacking dna is far more complex than hacking bits - interesting talk at ccc camp - different laws in EU vs US Nov 09, 2011 
  • Sonia Lupien on the recipe for stress: Novel Unexpected, Threat Sense of control (NUTS), very applicable to infosec Nov 06, 2011 
  • @martinvars smart idea "business practices do not follow ideologies" (but pragmatism?) Varsavsky in Spanish and in sec?Nov 05, 2011 
  • "business practices do not follow ideologies" (but pragmatism?) Varsavsky in a 10 min video in Spanish - and infosec? Nov 04, 2011 
  • @mckeay @451wendy thx for the clarification, together with "security debt", they are powerful concepts Nov 03, 2011 
  • net sec podcast introducing the concept of the infosecurity poverty line in organisations juicy concept to play with Nov 02, 2011 
  • The November securityandrisk post is already available at, a review of a recent social engineering book Nov 01, 2011 
  • "I assume every single thing I post anywhere is public record forever" - wise words from Mr Moss - Oct 30, 2011 
  • Raul Siles interviewed in PDC en espanol, pen tests in hospitals show how itsecurity can save lives let's remember it! Oct 28, 2011 
  • Ruben Santamarta interviewed in pauldotcom en espanol, his tools for reversing?Windbg, Ollydbg, IDA, a compiler and gdb 26, 2011 
  • u need to guide non-IT people through the process to eliminate malware on Win? Check the @RealSecurity guide saves time Oct 24, 2011 
  • interesting security awareness idea listen to the creator on the RB podcast Oct 23, 2011 
  • N Myhrvold's unique way to present cooking is what infosec needs, a breakthrough to present everyday's sec topics Oct 21, 2011 
  • E Pariser on Inet filter bubbles: customisation shows us a different realityt - could IT security help mitigating this? Oct 19, 2011 
  • DBrooks on human beings as social animals - People learn from people they love - do we use this in infosec? Not much Oct 16, 2011 
  • #ios5 upgrade, first backup settings, data and apps, then wipe firmware, install ios5 and last, restore backup and move back apps and booksOct 14, 2011 
  • propaganda is for the masses what social engineering is for the individual, interesting looking at propaganda history Oct 14, 2011 
  • thought, RB 197 podcast: u want to find 0-days in the wild? go to dubious sites, probably they are planted there by...? Oct 12, 2011 
  • Josh Corman on RB196, what about security SW products going through 3rd party reviews in SW procurement processes? 09, 2011 
  • @chemaalonso MrMitnick himself mentions FOCA as a reconnaissance tool he uses in his security assessments;-) Oct 07, 2011 
  • Gartner RD AWalls on RBpodcast 198, there is accurate cybercrime data available but that is not the data reported Oct 07, 2011 
  • The 2 creators of former patagon online needed themselves to be 1 good CEO in infosec sometimes this is also the caseOct 05, 2011 
  • Gartner RD AWalls on RBpodcast 198, sec teams use many pre-conceived risks and threats that are far from the business 02, 2011 
  • The October 2011 SecurityandRisk blog post arrived! Secure a home DSL router - enjoy it at any addition? Sep 30, 2011 
  • The best teacher is the one who best accommodates to the students' needs - let's apply this in the IT security arena? Sep 30, 2011 
  • US tech initiatives on health, energy and education listen to the WhiteHouse CTO where will IT security be in all this? Sep 28, 2011 
  • Carlos Perez tenable podcast 85 June 2011 advice: to be a good sec proffessional, start being a good sys admin! yep! Sep 25, 2011 
  • Paul Asadoorian tenable podcast 85 June 2011 there are more than 425000 app in Apple store - who can check their sec? 23, 2011 
  • Anup Ghosh on infosec and threats, u can't patch the user, do we remember this in our work? Sep 21, 2011 
  • people only take sec seriously when they suffer the lack of it themselves @carlos_perez interviews @chemaalonso in pdc 18, 2011 
  • how many sonys are out there with info breaches that they don't publish? @carlos_perez interviews @lawwait in pdc en es 16, 2011 
  • @lsaiz agreed! where r the non-commercial IT & ITsecurity & infosec R&D think-tanks and startup incubators ;-)? Sep 15, 2011 
  • berniehernie at entrepreneur event: machines can solve more complex probs than the ones we give them! also in infosecSep 14, 2011 
  • berniehernie at entrepreneurs event: the next Intenet... reputation, AI, re-brokering and people... and security? Sep 11, 2011 
  • creators at Stanford mention sink or swim idea: try it out quickly before investing a lot applicable to sec! Sep 09, 2011 
  • Microsoft Security Response Team: the one re-coding/fixing a vuln in MSFT sw is the developer who initially coded it Sep 07, 2011 
  • Eddie Shwartz on RB: a netwitness installation stores more transactions than VISA per year - any experience with it? Sep 04, 2011 
  • Eddie Shwartz on RB: there is only so much u can do with a certain security model, not more! let's apply this every day Sep 02, 2011 
  • the september 2011 SandR blog post is already out! read it at Hacking: The next generation - book review Aug 31, 2011 
  • HD Moore on Risky Business: the big money is on a working exploit, not on finding the vulnerability - a new industry? Aug 31, 2011 
  • customer friendly = fraud friendly = infosec expert frustration friendly true? listen to Scott McIntyre at AusCert 2011 Aug 28, 2011 
  • reading Anderson's chip and pin papers at the moral of the story: if you don't have your card under control, cancel it! Aug 26, 2011 
  • Jeff Moore at Stanford - creating power is not compensated & consuming power is free - - key for the Infosec practice? Aug 24, 2011 
  • Jeff Moore at Stanford - power fuels performance, performance consumes power - - consider this in the Infosec practiceAug 21, 2011 
  • "looking to build a global co? build it on the minimum common denominator", watch Martin Varsavsky apply it also to sec Aug 19, 2011 
  • Rasmussen at FIRST2010: DNSSec helps at name resolver/client side but not at registrar side, case for defence in depth 19, 2011 
  • New guest post in securityandrisk.blogspot,com on Internet usage monitoring Aug 17, 2011 
  • "Europe is the place to be when you leave work", watch Martin Varsavsky does this also apply to infosec jobs? Aug 17, 2011 
  • pauldotcom, assume a compromise will happen, work on response: a soundly organised IT environment is the most resilient 14, 2011 
  • Larry Pesce in pauldotcom, sometimes we sell healthy diet & exercise but thecustomer is still watching TV on the couch Aug 12, 2011 
  • R Bejtlich on FIRST podcast: hire each team member in your IRT because they have something special for the team Aug 10, 2011 
  • JStrand in pauldotcom - episode 239p2 Fuzzing is all about knowing the protocol you are fuzzing - get to know it before Aug 10, 2011 
  • R Bejtlich on FIRST podcast: plant your probes, choose your indicators and let them feed your intel within your IRT Aug 07, 2011 
  • Richard Bejtlich on FIRST podcast - find a highflyer in your org who will advocate for your infosec program, not you Aug 05, 2011 
  • using an ssl server with a cert with MD5 fingerprints? visit to check cert duration Aug 03, 2011
  • Avoid arp-spoofing in your LAN - new securityandrisk blog post - just coming from the oven at Jul 31, 2011 
  • Brafman on human relations softness help projects succeed, infosec leaders need to show softness in communications Jul 29, 2011 
  • Brafman on human relations - human contact, proximity and similarity favour relations - apply this to security teams Jul 27, 2011 
  • Ori Brafman on human relations - vulnerable leaders are more trusted - how can we apply that to infosec leaders? Jul 24, 2011 
  • "people often trust eloquence more than honesty", study in #HarvardBR November 2010 by T Rogers and M Norton. Consider that in infosec Jul 22, 2011 
  • first guest post in securityandrisk on the value of vulnerability assessments Jul 21, 2011 
  • Chris Palmer from EFF in pdc 238 - security measures need to be user-empathic - their time is valuable - don't waste it Jul 20, 2011 
  • S Cristoforetti, European astronaut, a military saying: "train hard and fight easy" - applicable to #infosec Jul 20, 2011 
  • Chris Palmer from EFF in pdc 238 - ssl has a scope problem: 1400 CAs! - we need to solve it - Jul 17, 2011 
  • Leadership in teams "Low absenteeism was related to democratic supervision" study in Psy Journal from 1976! Jul 15, 2011
  • u need to sharpen your jedi saber with pcap files? try a library of 400+ pcap - from RB190 podcast - Jul 13, 2011 
  • RB189 podcast mentions a nice demo of big "mobile telco" brother check it yourself at and switch your mobile more often Jul 10, 2011 
  • out-of-seq post in securityandrisk by a guest poster - if you feel like contributing with an entry, just ping me Jul 09, 2011 
  • RB189 podcast - Peter Gutmann: the boolean browser CA trust model is broken - let's use reputation similar to real life Jul 09, 2011 
  • #pauldotcom episode 236 - Chris Nickerson on pen testing - no mention of impact in pen test makes it useless - Jul 09, 2011 
  • Rich Mogull - APT industry - specialised teams with time and resources working only to pown a company, your company? Jul 08, 2011 
  • #pauldotcom e236 - they key point is being compromised is to be able to reduce the time u are powned - IRT is key Jul 08, 2011 
  • Rich Mogull - an APT by the book: spear phishing + compromise + stealth reconnaisance + id juicy data + ftp data out Jul 08, 2011 
  • #CVGTR11 thanks to all organisers - a real opportunity to open minds and eyes on risk management Jul 06, 2011 
  • enticing bibliography for a new risk management concept, #riskvolution, by V Chapela and S Moral Jul 06, 2011 
  • New S&R blog post - SQL injection - Attacks and defense by Justin Clarke et al. - Book review Jun 30, 2011 
  • GWeidman @vincentkadmon: sms-based botnet concept for Android - Shmoocon paper & PDC interview 29, 2011 
  • #infosec R&D time to devote 30% resources to new ideas from young itsecuriteers - probably creating multi-source teamsJun 26, 2011 
  • security idea - an smartphone app to provide every day the number of sms received and sent and alert if needed - watch Jun 24, 2011 
  • pauldotcom interviews Pete Herzog - patching is not the silver bullet, operational security requires knowledge ...- Jun 22, 2011
  • nice pen testing idea: provides the what, where and when and provides the how Jun 19, 2011 
  • @mckeay @Wh1t3Rabbit @jadedsecurity @marknca @NightShade003 thx 4 the sec/business talk at pls check Jun 19, 2011 
  • Pete Herzog - the bad people project nice security awareness seeding concept Jun 17, 2011 
  • infosec idea - what about creating a site to build a ranking of security presentations hold in cons made by viewers? WIll be useful to focus Jun 15, 2011 
  • Risky Business podcast episode 188 mentions alternative ideas like last-resource security and other than risk-based sec 12, 2011 
  • RB189 podcast mentions a nice demo of big "mobile telco" brother check it yourself at and switch your mobile more often Jun 12, 2011 
  • Gavin on Shmoocon 2011 check tools like opendlp in googlecode & , they could be the opensource seed of a dlp 10, 2011 
  • RB189 podcast - Peter Gutmann: the boolean browser CA trust model is broken - let's use reputation similar to real life Jun 10, 2011 
  • Rich Mogull - APT industry - specialised teams with time and resources working only to pown a company, your company? Jun 08, 2011 
  • Mick Douglas at Aide: CYA 101 - mark critical emails to CxOs with labels such as "it is my professional opinion that" Jun 08, 2011 
  • Rich Mogull - an APT by the book: spear phishing + compromise + stealth reconnaisance + id juicy data + ftp data out Jun 05, 2011 
  • Mick Douglas spoke at Aide: check out tools like nagios sagan ntop and octopussy - they could be the seed of a SIEM Jun 05, 2011 
  • Mick Douglas @bettersafetynet spoke at Aide and provided wise pieces of advice e.g. our role is to signal risks to CxOs Jun 03, 2011 
  • #pauldotcom e236 - they key point is being compromised is to be able to reduce the time u are powned - IRT is key Jun 03, 2011 
  • ReL1k on #infosec at AIDE 2011 : get back to basics, don't rely on tools, sec takes people, knowledge, time and effort Jun 03, 2011 
  • in case you need to read itsecuriteer's tweets in May comfortably in just one page, just go to Jun 02, 2011 
  • ReL1k talk on #infosec at AIDE 2011 : security requires years of maturity and building a team up - how? Jun 01, 2011 
  • #pauldotcom episode 236 - Chris Nickerson on pen testing - no mention of impact in pen test makes it useless - Jun 01, 2011 
  • probabilistic risk assessment is not always the way to go in infosec, read June's S&R's post or Jun 01, 2011 
  • #socialengineer crew interviews @elinormills - simple but poweful principle: everybody loves talking about themselves May 29, 2011 
  • pauldotcom interviews Ray Davidson: security is not a profit center - u can link security with cost savings at least! May 27, 2011 
  • Xavier Mertens on microtrash 19, implementing SIEM, even if open source, is not for free, u need time and net wisdom May 25, 2011 
  • @martinvars did u think to expand the use of fon through viral marketing by fan guests installing foneras in boutique hotels? May 23, 2011 
  • pauldotcom interviews Sharon Conheady from social engineering, 90% of it is reconnaissance - May 22, 2011 
  • you need figures to sell your security budget to your CxO? check out or or May 18, 2011 
  • itsecuriteer tweets are food for thought, u can also read them in batches outside twitter - go to and send feedback thx May 16, 2011 
  • McCandless on information design, an opportunity for #infosec to improve & explain facts visually to customers, watch May 13, 2011 
  • Check acceptability of a customer facing security measure before entirely building it! Idea from Gross - applied to sec May 11, 2011 
  • Gross on entrepreneurship - - a company needs a visionary, a developer, a logistics and an integrator guys, infosec too May 09, 2011 
  • every month - an interesting question and results of the previous one, go to May 08, 2011 
  • applying new psychology developments to infosec awareness - what about the use of cognitive bias modification? May 06, 2011 
  • security conference intelligence - innovative infosec service from thinkst - thinkscapes - well spotted idea! May 06, 2011 
  • "how can we make sure that what is important stays secure" says Haroon Meer on Eurotrash podcast 19 - survavility - May 04, 2011 
  • we need to solve different and more specific problems in infosec says Haroon Meer on Eurotrash podcast - minute 35 - May 01, 2011 
  • May 2011 - new SaR blog post - BH Europe keynote by B Schneier - personal summary enjoy it! May 01, 2011 
  • "there should be an increase focus on detection" says Haroon Meer on Eurotrash podcast - minute 9-10 - Apr 29, 2011 
  • Zitmo allegedly uses SMSmonitor code - so says Axelle Apvrille at Schmoocon 2011 smartphone security is a nice niche Apr 27, 2011 
  • Jack Dorsey at Stanford: square uses pair programming - would this be a success story for secure development? min 55Apr 24, 2011 
  • Jack Dorsey: storytelling is writing plays - Apple is run like a theater co. and applying this to infosecurity? min 45 Apr 22, 2011 
  • the best thing u can do to inspire people is showing something that works, Mr Dorsey in Stanford ETL podcast, can we apply that to security?Apr 20, 2011 
  • Bsides started as a place for all those presenters rejected in typical sec cons so says eurotrash Apr 17, 2011 
  • Lenny Zeltser on exotic liability podcast, the word security makes people lose common sense on social engineering traps Apr 15, 2011 
  • Lenny Zeltser on exotic liability podcast - it's time to introduce deception in defensive security measures Apr 13, 2011 
  • Lenny Zeltser's blog, it's time to introduce deception in defensive security measures e.g. low interaction honeypots Apr 11, 2011 
  • need to extract audio from a media file in Linux? use soundconverter Apr 10, 2011 
  • #ipv6 insecurities - 3 remedies: Secure Neighbour Discovery SEND, ipsec and client config - talk by Mr Heuse at 27C3 Apr 08, 2011 
  • #ipv6 is 15 years old - mitm attacks are still possible - interesting talk by Mr Heuse at 27C3 Apr 06, 2011 
  • Looking for a good trainer on network security & IDS in Berlin May 16-21 2011? @aboutsecurity enjoy it! Apr 05, 2011 
  • mentioned in the Open Penetration Testing Bookmarks Collection thanks to their creators! Apr 04, 2011 
  • First pauldotcom en espanol - @Carlos_Perez interviews @JCanto from virustotal - he codes in python ;-) Apr 03, 2011 
  • #ipv6 - from 4 octets in ipv4 to 16 - remote pen testing in #ipv6 is possible - interesting talk by Mr Heuse at 27C3 Apr 03, 2011 
  • April's SecurityandRisk blog post just released - enchanting in IT security - have a read at and leave your comments Apr 01, 2011 
  • with #smartphones outnumbering PCs to access Internet, who will not take smartphone security seriously? will it be user friendly? Apr 01, 2011 
  • Desmond-Hellmann on health care innovation - elderly care and specialised focus centers can we apply this to security?Mar 29, 2011 
  • #linux problems with your audio in ubuntu #apt-get install pam check tabs and re-do permissions in .pulse and .pulse-cookie in home drive Mar 27, 2011 
  • securityandrisk blog post on recommended security sites updated - articles in Spanish - any other suggested site? Mar 25, 2011 
  • (in)security affects economy? EMC highest share value on 3/18 closed at 25.63 BUT on Monday 3/21 it peaked to 26.76 24, 2011 
  • Ann Miura-Ko it becomes important to have technical talent in-house you need that asset within the startup - minute 46 Mar 23, 2011 
  • ... and creation sales channel and... supply chain (components, design, manufacturing and inventory warehousing) - m29 apply it to infosec?Mar 20, 2011 
  • Ann Miura-Ko on elements of a business plan: users, customers, pricing - including customer lifetime, customer demand... 20, 2011 
  • @nfosec thanks for the answer, I was thinking of slightly technical IT modules, any school doing that? Mar 19, 2011 
  • RT @nfosec: @itsecuriteer the #ABA has offered #infosec #CLE modules in the past and a couple of schools offer #LLMs ...Mar 19, 2011 
  • #infosec idea - there are law modules in IT security trainings - what about IT security modules for professionals with degrees in law? Mar 18, 2011 
  • In two years, smartphone sales will surpass PC sales, from #google ex-ceo, read more here Mar 16, 2011 
  • adding security awareness bits in films & series? e.g. your hero choosing a password, the impact could be high, read more here 13, 2011 
  • perryevans in Montreal startup camp - indecision and success are incongruent - see the slides at Mar 11, 2011 
  • #SEpodcast hearsay 80+% of security incidents in business have a social engineering component - anyone has the source?Mar 09, 2011 
  • #SEpodcast women are better at social engineering than men - listen to it at what about in other IT security fields? Mar 06, 2011 
  • R Dreeke wih SE crew is not manipulating or lying but rather influencing and exaggerating or cutting the truth short Mar 04, 2011 
  • R Dreeke wih SE crew for anchoring, come up with a question that is non treathening, realistic and they resonate with Mar 02, 2011 
  • New securityandrisk post - Tips by Jack Dorsey to create an IT security shop so many ideas to implement! Make it happenFeb 28, 2011 
  • Robin Dreeke interviewed by SE crew - - anchoring technique - ask for an opinion - everyone thinks they are an expert Feb 27, 2011 
  • Piacentini - Amazon ops exec - we keep hierarchy flat - - minute 44 - if u start from the top is easier - and in sec? Feb 25, 2011 
  • Piacentini - Amazon ops exec - we keep hierarchy flat - - minute 43 - how do we do in #infosec? no hierarchy? Feb 23, 2011 
  • Piacentini - Amazon ops exec - prioritise countries according to GDP size - - minute 41 - how do we do in #infosec? Feb 20, 2011 
  • Diego Piacentini - Amazon exec, 40% retail business is done in q4 every year - - is there seasonality in IT security? Feb 18, 2011 
  • Mark Suster on #entrepreneurship - whatever you want to do, do it when you are young - minute 56 - Feb 16, 2011 
  • as long as corporate users browse the web you have no perimeter #pauldotcom episode 224 pt2 minute 18 Feb 13, 2011 
  • #browsers compete on speed not on security, so says Dave Aitel in #pauldotcom episode 224 pt1 minute 53 Feb 11, 2011 
  • those of you with the bugs make the rules, so says Dave Aitel on disclosure in #pauldotcom episode 224 pt1 minute 40 Feb 09, 2011 
  • someone out there has a method of getting access to your systems, so says #pauldotcom episode 224 pt1 minute 31 Feb 06, 2011 
  • wikileaks presentations at #ccc in 2008 3c25 and ccc 2009 3c26 2 watch with a security/privacy eye Feb 04, 2011 
  • comprehensive paper on malicious USBs by irongeek presented at #Shmoocon2011- read it at Feb 01, 2011 
  • #backtrack site owned at Xmas 2010 nice answer at - how many #infosec writers secure their blog or site infrastructure? Feb 01, 2011 
  • February post in http://securityandrisk.blogspot,com - crew interviews comm expert Joe Navarro - Feb 01, 2011 
  • #eurotrash security podcast - sec cons focus more on offiensive talks than on defensive ones - minute 82 in episode 17 Jan 30, 2011 
  • Simon Sinek in #TED on inspiring leaders: Hire people who believe in what you believe - I add, also applicable to sec Jan 28, 2011 
  • foundat_ion interviews Jack Dorsey creator of twitter minute 23 more people pay for things than they use comm devices Jan 25, 2011 
  • foundat_ion interviews Jack Dorsey creator of twitter minute 25 maybe it is just not the right time for both of us ;-) Jan 23, 2011 
  • foundat_ion interviews Jack Dorsey creator of twitter minute 18 the hardest thing is start - get it on paper & show it Jan 21, 2011 
  • foundat_ion interviews Jack Dorsey creator of twitter - - minute 13 - we need more relevant filters real time Jan 18, 2011 
  • saizai at #27c3 mentions the #wikipedia list of cognitive biases - think about it when living! Jan 16, 2011 
  • #infosec 2011 survey from pwc - client requirements are driving security spending - will that be a trend? page 10 Jan 14, 2011 
  • u need to check who is around in your lan? #nmap -sP x.x.x.1-255 keep the mac address and run it regularly to see changes Jan 12, 2011 
  • check real #speed in your DSL connection - download and upload Jan 10, 2011 
  • new #infosec #itsecurity #career advice service need to make a career decision in your ITsecurity life? Jan 10, 2011 
  • Thomas Prescott on #entrepreneurship - everybody is becoming more risk averse - listen to it at mmm, any effect on infosec? Jan 09, 2011 
  • avoid basic #arp-poisoning at least check your vendor's mac address prefix - just in case ;-) Jan 08, 2011 
  • Thomas Prescott on #entrepreneurship - get surrounded by the best people, even more important than the idea itself Jan 06, 2011 
  • Thomas Prescott on #decisionmaking - better quick than slow - then possibly a re-tune if required - listen to it at Jan 04, 2011
  • and - and if u can read it ;-) - have it always at hand ;-) when browsing Jan 03, 2011 
  • in less than 2 hours, new post at #pauldotcom crew interview Brian Krebs - They talk about digital fraud Jan 02, 2011 
  • does the resolv.conf file change? are u using dhclient /etc/dhcp3$ sudo gedit dhclient.conf & add prepend domain-name-servers 01, 2011 
  • happy & secure 2011! u want to backup your #blogspot blog? - btw check older posts link Dec 31, 2010 
  • need to add name servers in #linux #ubuntu? sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf and write nameserver ipaddress e.g. Dec 31, 2010 
  • #infosec 2011 survey from pwc - the greater increase in risk comes from partners and suppliers - page 14 Dec 29, 2010 
  • #27c3 more than 200000 letters a la Nick Merrill case - - no further comments Dec 28, 2010 
  • 20 minutes available these days? watch Ken Robinson about the #learning #revolution - let's apply it to #infosec too! - Dec 26, 2010 
  • quick #evilSEO #websitecheck, go to #google and search site:yoursite "viagra" or "cialis" avoid misuse of your web pages - patch your sw Dec 25, 2010 
  • #leaders get more blame or more credit that they deserve for organisational #performance listen to Bob Sutton minute 7 Dec 23, 2010 
  • when you are in a position of power, the people that you lead, watch you very closely - listen to Bob Sutton minute 7 Dec 22, 2010 
  • #staff #performance evaluation - 50% times make things better, 50% make things worse - listen to Bob Sutton minute 6 Dec 20, 2010 
  • #moneylaundering uploading a song and paying for downloading it with stolen credit cards Dec 18, 2010 
  • #gawker it seems the breach had to do with red hat kernels, php and databases Dec 18, 2010 
  • #enisa publishes a report on #infosec in smartphones a starting point on what is coming over to #infosec professionals Dec 17, 2010 
  • RT @humanhacker: RT This and your name goes in a drawing to get a free copy before everyone else. http://yfr ... Dec 13, 2010 
  • Brian #Krebs in #pauldotcom online credentials hardly change, stolen ones are still valid months after (minute 41) Dec 13, 2010 
  • #lightningtalk - lessons learnt rehearse your time and content and abandon traditional ppt methods - make the most of 3 mins - time will fly Dec 10, 2010 
  • #socialengineering - Blue is a smoothing colour. Blue in predominant on TV. minute 20 at - security tools using blue? Dec 10, 2010 
  • #socialengineering we see something beautiful, our pupils dilate. We see something ugly, they contract - minute 22 in Dec 09, 2010 
  • no empirical evidence of first mover advantage e.g. #google was not the first search engine - listen to Bob Sutton Dec 08, 2010 
  • trying Dec 04, 2010 
  • #controladores air traffic in Spain could a piece of #stuxnet alike malware trigger something similar?are we prepared? Dec 04, 2010 
  • easy way to check that there are less #arp probes in the net # tcpdump -i interface -n -v arp Dec 03, 2010 
  • easy defence layer against #arp poisoning, add this line in your /etc/rc.local file # arp -s ipaddressofyourrouter macaddressofyourrouter Dec 03, 2010 
  • new securityandrisk blog post - grey #hacking book review worth one read Dec 01, 2010 
  • launch #tcpdump (with no -n switch) while using #twitter and u will see they use Amazon AWS servers - so #twitter is in the cloud ;-) Nov 26, 2010 
  • #phishing u need to know the latest phishing attacks that are online? check out Nov 24, 2010 
  • @Security_FAQs #itsecuriteer listed in infosec-on-twitter list thanks! Nov 23, 2010 
  • #wifi a wireless AP transmits in a channel, from 1 to 13, switching channels too often is a bad idea, see old but valid Nov 23, 2010 
  • #tcpdump by default, unless you use the -p switch, it runs in promiscuous mode Nov 23, 2010 
  • #ubuntu #wifi which channel I am using? $sudo iwlist iface channel Nov 21, 2010 
  • #firesheep #linux #wifi promiscuous mode means all packets in a ssid/channel combination see Nov 21, 2010 
  • #firesheep #linux #wifi monitor mode means all ssids in a channel see Nov 21, 2010 
  • @helpnetsecurity itsecuriteer, security professional, author of itsecuriteers the book and securityandrisk.blogspot the blog Nov 19, 2010 
  • Run #arpwatch -i yourinterface -d to identify sudden mac address changes, just in case your lan peers are using evil :-) Nov 19, 2010 
  • October 2010 #hbr "ability to take initiative is a far better job performance predictor than academic records" Davenport et al. page 54 Nov 17, 2010 
  • #Gparted #linux you need to unmount the partitions you plan to modify Nov 16, 2010 
  • #linux quick secure partition deletion command line using wipe $wipe -qk /partition/todelete Nov 15, 2010 
  • P Gray interviews Brian Snow in Risky Business Nov 13, 2010 
  • Italy 2007 and Greece 2004 - who controls the controller and the provider? P Gray interviews... Nov 13, 2010 
  • #linux quick secure file deletion command line using wipe $wipe -rfq /folder/filetodelete Nov 12, 2010 
  • #linux need to find the files accessed/created during the last day? go to the root folder and type $find -mtime -1 | [grep foo if needed] Nov 10, 2010 
  • #linux where to add commands to be executed at the end of bootup? in /etc/rc.local #debian does not use it by default Nov 08, 2010 
  • anecdote #ubuntu usage - firefox logo lost in ubuntu 10.04? get it at - most icons are in /usr/share/icons Nov 07, 2010 
  • #ubuntu usage - nautilus file explorer does not start? - go to /home/youruser and delete .nautilus folder - u don't see it? use ctrl+h Nov 06, 2010 
  • dban securely erases disks connected to the bus but not USB connected, for that use wipe or shred from the command lineNov 04, 2010 
  • #backtrack2 how to make it persistent in gray hat #hacking book chapter 5 - little bit outdated but didactic Nov 02, 2010 
  • 1st Nov in 2 hours, new securityandrisk post - Public DNS servers: Less privacy in exchange of a security layer - See Oct 31, 2010 
  • #infosec #money series 4 - online banking fraud in NL for Q1 2010 reached EUR 4.3 million Oct 26, 2010 
  • #infosec #money series III online banking fraud in Germany in 2010 expected to reach EUR 17 million Oct 26, 2010 
  • New #infosec money series II - EUR 3 billion a year in identity theft in the UK affecting 1.8 million UK people Oct 22, 2010 
  • New #infosec money series - ATM skimming EUR 143.5 million lost in Q1 2010 in Europe Oct 19, 2010 
  • 72 worthy pages of #stuxnet intelligence at Oct 18, 2010 
  • meterpreter in metasploit injects commands into the memory of an exploited process - chapter 4 gray hat #hacking book 15, 2010 
  • #RSA announces in #RSAEurope event focus on building an #ITsecurity ops function - could help Oct 12, 2010 
  • build and look after your personal IT security brand - chapter 9 of Oct 11, 2010 
  • #hacking basic metasploit use in gray hat book chapter 4 show info use  Oct 10, 2010 
  • CERT/CC vulnerability disclosure process gives vendors 45 days to fix vulns - chapter 3 of gray hat #hacking book Oct 08, 2010 
  • An ISP notifying users infected by #bots and nice initiative however, isn't it easy to be phished? Oct 06, 2010
  • Legal and IT security - the US Federal computer crime statutes in chapter 2 of gray hat #hacking book Oct 05, 2010 
  • #ethicalhacking if u need to justify work/budget in IT security references used in chapter 1 of gray hat book help Oct 04, 2010 
  • #stuxnet is a piece of art Sep 30, 2010 
  • New #securityandrisk post - review of the network flow analysis book by Michael W. Lucas - happy book review reading! Sep 30, 2010 
  • #brucon podcasters infosec applicant question - what happens in the net from switching a pc on to an ip address Sep 29, 2010 
  • net #flow analysis book by Lucas - each primitive can include only one type of match Sep 29, 2010 
  • a day contains 288 five minute periods, from net #flow analysis book by Lucas Sep 27, 2010 
  • #stuxnet presumably targeting a specific target - will this be a new trend? - top sophisticated targeted malware - Sep 26, 2010
  • net #flow analysis book by Lucas for filtering use flow-nfilter building filters out of primitives Sep 26, 2010 
  • #socialengineer podcast with @rpaulwilson on how security should "focus on the least possible compromise" (min 52) Sep 25, 2010 
  • net #flow analysis book by Lucas flow-cat feeds the data to flow-print Sep 24, 2010 
  • description of the "beauty" and "danger" of #stuxnet in only one paragraph (the first one) at Sep 22, 2010 
  • net #flow analysis book by Lucas use #flow-print -f 0 adds interface numbers by printing port and protocol info in hex Sep 21, 2010 
  • #stuxnet could be the worm of the year, exploits 4 0-day vulnerabilities & attacks SCADA - who can be the author(s)? Sep 18, 2010 
  • #stuxnet so far detected in 14 operational plants using Siemens SCADa Sep 18, 2010 
  • #briankrebs first reported on the Windows shortcut flaw based on info from an anti-virus company based in Belarus named VirusBlokAda Sep 18, 2010 
  • Network #flow analysis book by Michael W. Lucas - use flow-cat and flow-print to view flows - from Sep 15, 2010 
  • Network #flow analysis book by Michael W. Lucas - use #flow-capture as a flow collector - from Sep 13, 2010 
  • Network #flow analysis book by Michael W. Lucas (2010) - use #softflowd as a software-based network flow sensor - from 12, 2010 
  • Network #flow analysis book by Michael W. Lucas (2010) #ifconfig em0 up -arp enables the network interface & it does not participate in ARPSep 09, 2010 
  • New #securityandrisk post - using USB memory drives securely - - Happy secure data transport! Sep 02, 2010 
  • #perl declare variables using my $answer = 42 no need to pre-declare the type Aug 25, 2010 
  • #itsecurity professionals feel underpaid & money is not their main driver - survey at Aug 24, 2010 
  • insider threat a reality? some people leaving a company would take data with them Aug 24, 2010 
  • physical security meets #itsecurity - - just noise or a real (new?) trend Aug 22, 2010 
  • #linux #commandline $find -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 grep text - line to find a text in a collection of txt files Aug 22, 2010 
  • ISP uses Shadowserver data to alert customers with bots Aug 22, 2010 
  • My #Twifficiency score is social-engineering%. What's yours? Viral marketing for security professionals - chapter 7 in Aug 17, 2010 
  • security gurus in twitter fall on the #twifficiency social engineering trap, why? (me, not guru though, included ;-) Aug 17, 2010 
  • near a #linux box and has no network? try # ifconfig eth0 netmask up and #route add default gateway  Aug 17, 2010 
  • #socialengineer #defcon contest (minute 51 in podcast) - "will you please go to this site?" that trick always worked! Aug 15, 2010 
  • #socialengineer #defcon contest (minute 75 in podcast) - men were more gullible than women! - Aug 15, 2010 
  • trust networks help decreasing info flood in microblogging - from a Spanish PhD page 386 - a valid idea for infosec? Aug 11, 2010 
  • Industrial Control Systems #CERTS? - 15000 #stux computers worldwide vs 4 infected #SCADA systems Aug 09, 2010 
  • Mr Heinemeier, creator or #rubyonrails, "constraints force you to do way less and different than your competition" Aug 08, 2010 
  • Mr Heinemeier, creator of #rubyonrails, "when you're not well rested, your mind is not working at peak performance" Aug 08, 2010 
  • off-security near #space photos Aug 07, 2010 
  • New SaR post, web-based photo #geolocation - #exif data cleaning Aug 07, 2010 
  • backing up your blog with wget? use e.g. wget --mirror --convert-links -r Aug 07, 2010 
  • losing equipment is still a big concern - what about encryption? Aug 03, 2010 
  • new SaR post: caffeine, alsamixer, security videos and podcasts Aug 01, 2010 
  • 4 Simatic WinCC/PCS SCADA customers in the world affected by stuxnet vs 60500 search results Jul 31, 2010 
  • from # find / -type f -exec wc -c {} \; | sort -nr | head -100 linux command line beauty - understand & master Jul 29, 2010 
  • External Agents: 70% of breaches, 98% of records (from Verizon's 2010 Data Breach Report) Jul 29, 2010 
  • from C:\> for /r c:\ %i in (*) do @echo %~zi, %i lists the size of files in Windows Jul 28, 2010 
  • nmap command line - a must - Jul 26, 2010 
  • Jun 15, 2010