- http://t.co/xbbhZcXJpr among the 50 infosec blogs to follow according to @digitalguardian http://t.co/YhgOQwZwt5 thanks! Oct 23, 2014
- happy to hear that my book http://t.co/sPv9HKpii6 was not so far away from it http://t.co/kh3dL54GAK Oct 22, 2014
- RT @DigitalGuardian: The Top 50 InfoSec Blogs You Should be Reading: https://t.co/SzUgBcucBK ft. @IT_SecGuru @securityweekly @kevtownsend @… Oct 22, 2014
- Michael Mauboussin talking @google http://t.co/a9py5fR5Xw effort is key but luck is close to indispensable, also in infosec Oct 19, 2014
- if you have one spare hour, here you are two PR masters http://t.co/gMtpIxtyQP do we do PR in infosec? Oct 17, 2014
- focused on processes in IT rather than in command line... then get some marketing kung-fu to entice your colleagues Oct 15, 2014
- how do you dispose the personal mail post you receive at home? would you survive a dumpster diving attack? Oct 12, 2014
- the balance between practice and theory in infosec is challenging, but is it shifting towards practice? Oct 10, 2014
- studying infosec, lots to read, learn to summarise and to identify key information, become a smart info-filter Oct 08, 2014
- social engineering test: how many people do you see during a day in public spaces that greet you? is it a f(season,culture,country)? Oct 05, 2014
- @minzlicht on @humanhacker podcast on self-control and will and how meditation helps http://t.co/XRpkWM47Pi Oct 03, 2014
- @minzlicht on @humanhacker podcast smart objectives help to foster self-control http://t.co/XRpkWM47Pi Oct 01, 2014
- October 2014: New blog post on S&R: Security site to bookmark: http://t.co/oqc1rJoZE6 http://t.co/4mFrHLRUVv enjoy! Oct 01, 2014
- http://t.co/fPqXKwODdB starting to apply a one day a week off the net approach, cannot do the same with security Sep 28, 2014
- @didaclee and @martinvars on how innovation is only a necessary but not sufficient condition in business http://t.co/uYIpFgUEq7 Sep 26, 2014
- @didaclee and @martinvars on the importance of an idea, a team and a way to sell it http://t.co/uYIpFgUEq7 let's apply it in infosec Sep 24, 2014
- @didaclee and @martinvars on how pitching is key for all our lives http://t.co/uYIpFgUEq7 we tend to forget it in security Sep 21, 2014
- Do we have in Infosec jedis such as Mr Chomsky in linguistics and sociology? http://t.co/0kwJac4biu Sep 19, 2014
- availability lesson: if you ever configure a wireless router, leave the dhcp server always on, at least for a handful of addresses Sep 17, 2014
- place your wifi router at home high on the wall, not in a closet ;-) avoid denying yourself your service Sep 14, 2014
- @DidierStevens @xme thanks both for your security sites http://t.co/XM1O3WQvN6 maybe you like it Sep 13, 2014
- how to prioritise in security? use 5 filters: reality, management, resource, marketing and user friendliness Sep 12, 2014
- starting the day with a post-it and the list of things to do that day makes wonders! also in security ;-) Sep 10, 2014
- 3-star michelin cook David Munoz the aim is to transmit happiness http://t.co/FMHO2MRpxg let's do it in infosec! Sep 07, 2014
- more than 200 daily visits in http://t.co/ERvrQIFxaZ thanks! Sep 05, 2014
- need music-based inspiration for your next security presentation to important customers? http://t.co/pWha2bkml5 from a very cool MOOC Sep 03, 2014
- September 2014: New blog post on S&R Book Review: Essential SNMP by D. R. Mauro and K. J. Schmidt http://t.co/4mFrHLRUVv enjoy! Sep 01, 2014
- security versus usability - could innovation drive both opposites together? Aug 31, 2014
- Dr. Ekman in seorg podcast: focus on the future and not on the past or present http://t.co/VZWUHQnAqD applicable to infosec pros! Aug 29, 2014
- Dr. Ekman in seorg podcast: If you already know something, go and study something new to you http://t.co/VZWUHQnAqD Aug 27, 2014
- @tristanwalker on @ecorner learn, earn and give back lifecycle http://t.co/LxPF73vn04 applicable also in infosec Aug 24, 2014
- @tristanwalker on @ecorner everything has a price http://t.co/LxPF73vn04 also in infosec? Aug 22, 2014
- @tristanwalker on @ecorner being authentic is a plus in business http://t.co/7rBPnu0rkJ also in infosec services Aug 20, 2014
- Brian Frank Marketing VP on music creativity http://t.co/fqQmFxVbqs infosec needs lots of marketing studies! Aug 17, 2014
- Music producer M Elizondo on creativity http://t.co/nvjXQRqf9s there are multiple ways 2 be innovative Aug 15, 2014
- Mark Applebaum on TED and boredom as a trigger to innovate http://t.co/Za0S2vDDBT fully applicable to infosec deliveries! Aug 13, 2014
- @salkhanacademy @ecorner time to change how we interact with academic education http://t.co/YtahX32XwI Aug 10, 2014
- @salkhanacademy @ecorner what would a khan academy for infosec look like? http://t.co/YtahX32XwI Aug 08, 2014
- @salkhanacademy @ecorner his business started to solve a problem he had http://t.co/YtahX32XwI Aug 06, 2014
- believers and doubters which group makes a better infosec customer community? http://t.co/OzaEzvrkaV Aug 03, 2014
- August 2014: New blog post on S&R: Book review: Metasploit - The Penetration Tester's Guide - enjoy! http://t.co/4mFrHLARTv Aug 02, 2014
- if we could add a related picture on every security assessment, customers will act more promptly Aug 01, 2014
- @tseelig with @mikeshinoda http://t.co/8RzalLWVUk on innovation... are we innovating in infosec? Jul 30, 2014
- @tseelig with @mikeshinoda http://t.co/TVHgsCa0kg interesting seeing how a song is made... and how do we do infosec? Jul 27, 2014
- Google's Larry Page on the importance of sharing data among the right stakeholders http://t.co/AJnWhBqv3S Jul 25, 2014
- if you watch @delbius on @tedtalks then apply statistics to your customer base to identify fraud http://t.co/niYg7yNYxo Jul 23, 2014
- @delbius on @tedtalks on the huge increase of messages per day and the impact in security http://t.co/niYg7yNYxo Jul 20, 2014
- @delbius on @tedtalks on the role big numbers and statistics play on her daily security task http://t.co/niYg7yNYxo Jul 18, 2014
- how come that US and Europe are so different? @martinvars http://t.co/qfYY90CFid and in security? Jul 16, 2014
- @martinvars on how looking for what we have in common is key to succeed in business http://t.co/D6WDefygNy and in sec? Jul 13, 2014
- @martinvars on how risk appetite varies between US and Europe http://t.co/D6WDefygNy applicable to infosec? Jul 11, 2014
- did you lose something material? do not look for it, u waste time & energy Jul 09, 2014
- what does your lifetime distribution pie look like? work, learning, social, personal... Jul 06, 2014
- u need to recover focus? go back to where you used to study for years and meditate Jul 04, 2014
- a simple but wise GTD mantra? Leave min a 30 min free slot every day for you! Difficult to implement it Jul 02, 2014
- July 2014: New blog post on sec sites to bookmark: http://t.co/Eg0gbxwkz5 and http://t.co/ax4Q6yds0g http://t.co/4mFrHLARTv Jul 02, 2014
- @lsaiz master class on identity management future #dinnotsec14 do not miss it when in youtube Jul 01, 2014
- @slerena #dinnoTSec14 the IT market in the world is US Jun 30, 2014
- cloud services, good 4 business but also good 4 malware providers #dinnoTSec14 Jun 30, 2014
- did u use ecryptfs in Linux to encrypt the home drive? do not use passwd to change password! http://t.co/fkO9mONFQx Jun 29, 2014
- testosterone and cortisol influence in financial investment http://t.co/z0Sak2ixwy do they maybe also bias security? Jun 27, 2014
- women take longer time in financial decisions however they tend to achieve higher benefits http://t.co/1QsLwc5oC4 Jun 25, 2014
- security and quality assurance are bound together, what about creating the sec team inside the quality team? Jun 22, 2014
- @martinvars http://t.co/6021F7gNMS interesting initiative: opening wifi 2 increase privacy Jun 21, 2014
- @taosecurity interviews M Brown http://t.co/hJrxgA8Rba an internal sec team deals both with customers and company's internal incidents Jun 20, 2014
- this is also a key aspect of security... food security http://t.co/WLiIv4r2Ae let's not forget! Jun 18, 2014
- planning, step-by-step, structuring, designing,,, important things in life... also in information security http://t.co/tw3zY1mwMO Jun 15, 2014
- @J_Fox tweeted: "Favorite quote from #RSAC #SkillsGapSec panel, from @csoandy "Learn to be a kind human being" if you want to manage/lead... Jun 13, 2014
- information security vs insecure e-government and e-administration, mostly the latter wins even for infosec profs Jun 11, 2014
- @williamhsu on @ecorner http://t.co/OVPL1ZKRFt the key is not solving the prob but the path followed to show the prob Jun 08, 2014
- if u can identify love... sure u can also identify security feelings ;-) http://t.co/NqC2RLYxnp Jun 06, 2014
- #securebackup trust me, add the date to the name of any digital file u can create - sooner or later you will need it! Jun 04, 2014
- June 2014: New blog post on physical safety - Checking CPU temperatures in Linux Ubuntu http://t.co/S8Fo6G5X5s Jun 02, 2014
- 7324782 people in the world for 2015 http://t.co/wYNwcx8CtI and 1.2 billion have no access to electricity http://t.co/Cfk4YLilvn Jun 01, 2014
- 7324782 people in the world for 2015 http://t.co/wYNwcx8CtI and 36% (2011) have no access 2 clean water http://t.co/nH5eP21R89 May 30, 2014
- 7324782 people in the world for 2015 http://t.co/wYNwcx8CtI and 75% (2012) have a mobile http://t.co/nH5eP21R89 May 28, 2014
- 7324782 people in the world for 2015 http://t.co/wYNwcx8CtI and only 50% (2011) have a bank account http://t.co/oK8wAcqyLM May 25, 2014
- how do you install truecrypt in ubuntu? http://t.co/7ahrq188nF May 23, 2014
- tip of the day - u run out of space in a win7 box and are tempted to remove the bulky Windows/Installer folder? Just do not do it May 21, 2014
- similarly to multiple intelligences in humans http://t.co/Qf5tKoEb9e as @Howard_Gardner_ proposed, surely there are many info securities May 18, 2014
- @41414141 at 30c3: RFC 3924 on lawful interception in IP networks http://t.co/T5qvjw287s http://t.co/8cicFNPLQx May 16, 2014
- @mikeolson talks @ecorner they look 4 capacity to learn, diversity and intelligence http://t.co/2sP31bkhrn May 14, 2014
- @mikeolson talks @ecorner better being in a A team than being the A in a B team http://t.co/2sP31bkhrn May 11, 2014
- @mikeolson talks @ecorner probably public cloud providers have better security than a small company http://t.co/2sP31bkhrn May 09, 2014
- @mikeolson talks @ecorneron @cloudera http://t.co/2sP31bkhrn maybe security is "marketable"? May 07, 2014
- @mikeolson talks @ecorner big data uses in fraud detection http://t.co/2sP31bkhrn May 04, 2014
- @collinrm at 30c3 android dynamic dalvik intrumentation http://t.co/rIVY8PGxXJ http://t.co/o0IO0obiUH hat off! May 02, 2014
- Security site to bookmark: http://t.co/DoZqkZ54XU. New May 2014 blog post! http://t.co/S8Fo6G5X5s May 02, 2014
- @Linuzifer bei 30c3 ueber De-Mail und andere hits http://t.co/KGQVQILIWl Apr 30, 2014
- @martinhaase und khamacher ueber die schoene Deutsche sprache http://t.co/iw0jHFye9U Apr 27, 2014
- advice from Mr Buffett: read and think http://t.co/G8pJUAiChk Apr 25, 2014
- @JaniceMarturano @ Wisdom2.0 can we focus in a continuous partial attention era? http://t.co/KAwgCVbZRI Apr 23, 2014
- @JaniceMarturano @ Wisdom2.0leader = able to connect and skillfully trigger change http://t.co/KAwgCVbZRI Apr 20, 2014
- Rich Fernandez on wisdom 2.0 "happiness preceeds success" http://t.co/IHsv0LC42Q apply it to your infosec job Apr 18, 2014
- @trevorpaglen at 30c3 "military patches and secrecy?" http://t.co/073ZmoaNH8 interesting talk! Apr 16, 2014
- @briankrebs @gcluley mentioned in Spanish-speaking Infosec press http://t.co/7wblMTiRTy hope you like it! Apr 14, 2014
- @peter_berlich thanks for sending http://t.co/pdNFiJ9FRb healthy tip of the day - print it and have it close 2 u & hack but do not crack Apr 14, 2014
- @trevorpaglen at 30c3 "logistics do not fit well with secret sites" http://t.co/5g4RGYW2eK Apr 13, 2014
- @trevorpaglen at 30c3 "secrecy fits imperfectly in the real world" http://t.co/5g4RGYW2eK interesting talk! Apr 11, 2014
- will infosec evolve thanks to privacy protection endevours? http://t.co/nromtMVIoB Apr 09, 2014
- @ev on how age invites you to be more mindful and meditate http://t.co/EDLs2Lfenr age is also an asset in infosec, remember Apr 06, 2014
- @ev on how mindfulness and meditation improve companies http://t.co/EDLs2Lfenr applicable to infosec Apr 04, 2014
- every secret place or action requires some logistics http://t.co/JHGZOdANNz excellent ccc30 talk by @trevorpaglen Apr 02, 2014
- April 2014: new post! Unattended updates in Ubuntu Linux http://t.co/S8Fo6G5X5s enjoy! Apr 02, 2014
- hardware geek with lots of time? then visit http://t.co/kvbUMgeBL8 presented in the last CCC, nifty work! Mar 30, 2014
- if you plan to use http://t.co/QafY6P4DFh design your tag taxonomy first Mar 28, 2014
- how many of these tools do you use? http://t.co/7GKd3xRw2E thanks @shanselman Mar 26, 2014
- @peter_berlich good point, I would say that the sec part of the business strategy will be with the business & board? ideally ;-) Mar 24, 2014
- where is the strategy in IT security? inside or outside the security team? Mar 23, 2014
- @mikko in Auscert2012 (still applicable though) in IT the field that share the most among competitors is security Mar 21, 2014
- @mikko in Auscert2012 (still applicable though) 3 types of threat agents - criminals, govs and hacktivists Mar 19, 2014
- I miss similar breakthroughs in information security http://t.co/nnvpWl2Pyw thanks for the talk @fabricegrinda Mar 16, 2014
- @fabricegrinda http://t.co/nnvpWl2Pyw transport and energy will change in the coming years thx to tech -let's make it secure! Mar 14, 2014
- @fabricegrinda http://t.co/nnvpWl2Pyw medicine will change in the coming years thx to tech -let's make it secure! Mar 12, 2014
- @guykawasaki suggests to repeat your tweets to cover different time zones http://t.co/bld5RtDw1x smart:-) Mar 09, 2014
- import your pgp in linux seahorse and type gpg --armor --recipient bob@bob.ex --encrypt --sign /folder/publickey and... u are done Mar 07, 2014
- checking AusCERT talks from 2012 and they still apply! Mar 05, 2014
- http://t.co/hDFs1hb91A reaches 180000 visits today! Thanks to all readers Mar 03, 2014
- if you have to choose, do not forget egressing filtering, implement and monitor it Mar 02, 2014
- Security site to bookmark: http://t.co/2OMlDADmc7. New S&R blog post for March 2014! http://t.co/S8Fo6G5X5s Mar 01, 2014
- human beings undergo memory buffer overflows regularly - keep only few things in mind - also in security - the rest archive them smartly Feb 28, 2014
- R Clark US Army attorney in Auscert 2012 http://t.co/n4Uzxukoj9 interesting difference between national and international Feb 26, 2014
- R Clark US Army attorney in Auscert 2012 revealing legal talk http://t.co/n4UzxuBrl9 Feb 23, 2014
- Happy to see that readers of a cyberinsurance book find it useful http://t.co/Epl0lMOXsc Feb 21, 2014
- Hofstede and national cultures, please read if your security customers are international http://t.co/CA5iKO4Eyz Feb 19, 2014
- being a good listener is important... also in IT security http://t.co/rYKrwIk3xM Feb 16, 2014
- Per year around there are 20000 new ISO27001 certified entities in the world http://t.co/Ndr33vSyHr Feb 14, 2014
- controversial topic http://t.co/LlXKwp5pel following the standard and/or being also certified? Feb 12, 2014
- violence in media can trigger violence http://t.co/JgflOUx0bg what about using media to trigger security? Feb 09, 2014
- years ago I had a teacher who told us that the key thing is to get our minds well furnished! still useful today Feb 07, 2014
- @martinvars and @Coryondrejka at @dldconference getting rid of pwds as wifi router selling point http://t.co/2gh7arMpEn Feb 06, 2014
- @martinvars and @Coryondrejka at @dldconference when content and hw providers meet worth following it up! http://t.co/2gh7arMpEn Feb 06, 2014
- @martinvars and @Coryondrejka at @dldconference "strategy tax" and "hiring pipeline" nice concepts http://t.co/2gh7arMpEn Feb 06, 2014
- the bystander effect, however this changes if you first read the theory http://t.co/1ausrypcOO can this be also applied to infosec? Feb 05, 2014
- the bystander effect - we help if we are alone and not if we are in a group (80/20 chance) http://t.co/1ausrypcOO Feb 05, 2014
- pen testers of the world , the pen test execution standard is a must as a reference http://t.co/1ERkUVsLa7 Feb 02, 2014
- Book Review: Ninja Hacking by Thomas Wilhelm and Jason Andreas. New S&R blog post for February 2014! http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB Feb 01, 2014
- @matinvars and @Coryondrejka at @dldconference when content and hw providers meet worth following it up! http://t.co/2gh7arMpEn Jan 31, 2014
- @matinvars and @Coryondrejka at @dldconference "strategy tax" and "hiring pipeline" nice concepts http://t.co/2gh7arMpEn Jan 29, 2014
- @matinvars and @Coryondrejka at @dldconference getting rid of pwds as wifi router selling point http://t.co/2gh7arMpEn Jan 26, 2014
- @mikko on @tedtalks 2013 on the national vs foreigener contradiction http://t.co/0gO1OvUiRU Jan 24, 2014
- @mikko on @tedtalks 2013 and how open source SW can be key to recover privacy http://t.co/0gO1OvUiRU Jan 22, 2014
- @mikeolson talks @ecorner now software can help solving mankind's probs http://t.co/2sP31bBktn Jan 21, 2014
- true and terrible "your search engine know more about you than your family" @mikko on @tedtalks 2013 http://t.co/0gO1OvUiRU Jan 17, 2014
- group dynamics - consider it when creating a security team http://t.co/4NVqXDF1Dj more on this http://t.co/ptYa50CjNI Jan 15, 2014
- your android phone reboots every now and then, re-flash it with a new rom http://t.co/UBjlGwkk1r but first backup your data Jan 12, 2014
- nice to see how live CD's isos run in virtual machine players - lots of applications 4 security http://t.co/KVmsEkCNtt Jan 10, 2014
- soone or later, you'll need it - how to enlarge a virtual machine http://t.co/KVmsEkCNtt remember the second step ;-) Jan 08, 2014
- write a 10-year personal dream plan, not only infosec related, wise proposal by R Boyatzis http://t.co/R0o4YmyMDv Jan 05, 2014
- write a 5-year personal vision, not only infosec related wise proposal by R Boyatzis http://t.co/R0o4YmyMDv Jan 03, 2014
- A new lecture on social engineering by Robin Dreeke on how to earn trust. New S&R blog post for January 2014 http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB Jan 01, 2014
- identify the person who helped you the most in your life and ask them about their Infosec stance - adapted from http://t.co/eRPaHCKzK0 Dec 29, 2013
- @martinvars talking about AGAF http://t.co/T21el2NUcP interesting - which are the AGAFs of Infosec? and how AGAF deal with Infosec? Dec 27, 2013
- five to one ratio for teams, studnets and couples http://t.co/LhVoYn35I3 surely also for infosec customers Dec 25, 2013
- developers responsible for their code for ever? http://t.co/syKGHBUILF nifty! Dec 22, 2013
- developers and code security people in this world - watch this http://t.co/syKGHBUILF Dec 20, 2013
- android user? need a rom? then http://t.co/qk5JX6LvD9 is your friend Dec 18, 2013
- minor OS installing tip - keep the partition table as flat as possible Dec 15, 2013
- did you ever think of the lives security conference presenters run every day? just a thought :-) Dec 13, 2013
- linux widsom - u need to mount a harddisk and the command mount acts strangely... boot e.g. from Ubuntu 12.04 and just double click ;-) Dec 11, 2013
- unetbootin http://t.co/kF1fJGPy3Q a handy way to create live USBs from many different Linux isos Dec 08, 2013
- ubuntu linux easy kungfu - add #date and #df - h >> /home/size.log to the /etc/rc.local file to identify big size changes Dec 06, 2013
- pentesters of the world, I am sure you'll like it http://t.co/rGdPa5VjhW thanks 2 @AmanHardikar and @SANSinstitute Dec 04, 2013
- How Things Gain from Disorder: Nassim Taleb - Applicable to Infosec? New S&R blog post for December 2013 http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB Dec 01, 2013
- J Diamond on why societies fail to see their probs http://t.co/h3rChs2Z6w have it in mind when working in Infosec Nov 29, 2013
- even in gravity the film http://t.co/Q4w7eHrsH8 you can see the importance of checklists, as mentioned in http://t.co/PHOPk8C2tb Nov 27, 2013
- complexity creates insecurity, complexity creates stress and prevent life joy, my 2 cents for this week Nov 24, 2013
- do you need to give out as a present 17 camels to 3 people? http://t.co/SQAyqylklv totally applicable in Infosec engagements Nov 22, 2013
- for German speakers... an interview with M Schmitz on power and people: power holders think mostly about themselves http://t.co/OgyhwD9cvI Nov 20, 2013
- https://t.co/YvxKTrMZDC and https://t.co/K8bzQxsA9r two MOOCs providers to follow and use Nov 17, 2013
- if you encrypt your home drive in Ubuntu, remember this for your backup and restore actions http://t.co/e6taFegW5r Nov 15, 2013
- special thanks to those sharing with me that Secure IT up the book is useful to them as roadbook for their Infosec engagements! Nov 13, 2013
- check out how communication flows when you go to a hairdresser's in a foreign country and... try to clone it with your infosec customers Nov 10, 2013
- hack: "apply ingenuity to get a better result" worth watching http://t.co/pqvdl5pYBV Nov 08, 2013
- the first modern use of the word hacker was by MIT model train group worth watching http://t.co/pqvdl5pYBV Nov 06, 2013
- tip of the day - keep a journal of all config and changes performed in any IT system you manage - sooner than later u will need it Nov 03, 2013
- how to avoid hotels' wi-fi - use your laptop - new securityandrisk blog post for November http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB Nov 01, 2013
- The GTD methodology can also be applied to security http://t.co/2RzLpgC3H4 Oct 30, 2013
- u need to get some motivation why your infosec work is worthy? watch this http://t.co/c7hcTOmQ9e Oct 27, 2013
- Human beings adapt to context, remember it in your infosec daily job http://t.co/YFbVYUKoo3 Oct 25, 2013
- select what not to focus on in your daily infosec job, stick to it and re-visit it every quarter Oct 23, 2013
- Thanks @martinvars for the #AGAF talk http://t.co/jpgJTwR5wF it demos that still human interaction is irreplaceable everywhere Oct 22, 2013
- Normally human beings obey status quo http://t.co/aA0skJhsvJ consider it for your infosec job Oct 20, 2013
- The Milgram experiment on obedience http://t.co/aA0skJhsvJ have it in mind when surprise reaches u after a dumb decision Oct 18, 2013
- Camera Perspective Bias in suspect interrogations, worth considering in information security briefings to senior managers... Oct 16, 2013
- u need to open an app in ubuntu using root directly? type gksu before the app name in the run app pop-up window Oct 13, 2013
- preparedness: possibly a concept to explore in infosec and in our own time/resource management http://t.co/nB6CVHWOQg Oct 11, 2013
- The Pygmalion effect - read this and improve human teams in infosec http://t.co/hrixR8i7wu Oct 09, 2013
- u need a topic for a PhD? Infosec practitioners and empathy, how do they match? Oct 07, 2013
- paper on contextual healing for humans http://t.co/vZjaa5mLeN idea: contextual healing for information systems? Oct 06, 2013
- social psychologists, if you need a community to study and write PhDs, watch docu on defcon featuring @thedarktangent http://t.co/KPWcWevfDF Oct 04, 2013
- are other hacker tribes outside those shown on docu on defcon featuring @thedarktangent ? http://t.co/KPWcWevfDF Oct 02, 2013
- Sesure session cookies, read the October secandrisk post on http://t.co/3D0VZCCH5y http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB Oct 01, 2013
- hacker culture: worthwatching docu on defcon featuring @thedarktangent http://t.co/KPWcWevfDF Sep 29, 2013
- finalise the week with a quick team meet-up 2 share input e.g. hopes, wishes & facts? proposal from @asana @ecorner http://t.co/7MRd2Cdp73 Sep 27, 2013
- @alexhutton mentions the phoenix project book at #brucon u can read a review here http://t.co/mytDWg308k Sep 27, 2013
- @Prohest @dguido tech and people what is most actionable? the answer requires books http://t.co/vrDzHnsePH Sep 27, 2013
- @dguido at #brucon "I enjoy teaching security & APT stuff to undergraduates" we need more of it! Sep 27, 2013
- @dguido at #brucon "user training is not a solution to APTs" use technology wisely Sep 27, 2013
- Jane Elliott on SE podcast http://t.co/OnSVWQNxIr interesting how her learning points on our biases are still applicable, also to infosec? Sep 26, 2013
- #BruCON Thu keynote "politicians and technical people mostly do not overlap" worth improving it Sep 26, 2013
- 10 years ago, R Brooks gave a ted talk on robots http://t.co/OpYV88wzJb robots will have their rights... and their privacy? Sep 25, 2013
- 10 years ago, R Brooks gave a ted talk on robots http://t.co/OpYV88wzJb what about the idea of infosec related robots? e.g. to check... Sep 22, 2013
- 3 names on #dld2013 talking on connectivity patterns and none of them is active on twitter? http://t.co/aIBItt4nV2 a security measure? Sep 21, 2013
- who is the third side in infosec related negotiations? William Ury on ted on negotiations http://t.co/SQAyqylklv worth a reflection! Sep 20, 2013
- @TomKelley74 @ecorner blurr the borders between leisure & work and u find creativity wise advice for infosec http://t.co/znxJr2DFoH Sep 19, 2013
- William Ury on ted on how walking bring people 2gether http://t.co/SQAyqylklv use it next time with your infosec customers Sep 18, 2013
- u need a quick way to scan your firm's infosec health? check out the survey from http://t.co/RcmMqDCqgt Sep 15, 2013
- wear your intelocutor's shoes whenever you try to sell security and ask yourself, would you but it? Sep 13, 2013
- seems common sense but smart baby steps like the ones I mentioned here http://t.co/ptYa50CjNI are key to improve sec Sep 11, 2013
- @akothari and @gankit on @ecorner http://t.co/FcEKQSSwle the weekly "I like, I wish or I wonder" moment 2 gather people around in a... Sep 08, 2013
- ctrl+R in linux command line allows you to search past lines, useful tip when you don't remember en nmap line Sep 06, 2013
- u enjoyed linux command line blog? read then September secandrisk post! http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB more linux cli! Sep 01, 2013
- Jane Elliott on SE podcast "prejudice is the emotional commitment to ignorance" http://t.co/OnSVWQNxIr applicable also in infosec Aug 28, 2013
- @Jenny_Radcliffe at @humanhacker e45 on negotiation 2 be interesting yourself u need 2 be interested in other people http://t.co/bPGeijxtQI Aug 25, 2013
- @Jenny_Radcliffe at @humanhacker e45 on negotiation sex, money and power are the 3 main drivers http://t.co/bPGeijxtQI Aug 23, 2013
- @Jenny_Radcliffe at @humanhacker e45 a 1-day negotiation requires 1-week of info gathering http://t.co/bPGeijxtQI Aug 21, 2013
- @Jenny_Radcliffe at @humanhacker e45 on negotiation cultural awareness is now overvalued, self-deprecation can help http://t.co/3yvO96e2rn Aug 18, 2013
- some fields are just not predictable statistically @nntaleb at @edcorner http://t.co/yiMbAHa6gs I fear infosec is one Aug 16, 2013
- look 4 something that if u lose u lose small but if u earn u win a lot @nntaleb at @edcorner http://t.co/qKUgD3lnev Aug 14, 2013
- @nntaleb at @edcorner look for a convex function of luck interesting! http://t.co/yiMbAHa6gs Aug 11, 2013
- @secureideas in @wh1t3rabbit podcast: pentesters, listen to the last 7 minutes at least http://t.co/5QQN59rBql Aug 09, 2013
- @MonicaSLam at @ecorner social networks in mobiles can be decentralised, cool new paradigm to secure! http://t.co/SR4o51KJmH Aug 07, 2013
- @TomKelley74 at @ecorner blurr the borders between leisure & work and u find creativity wise advice for infosec http://t.co/iOAxPsQBCZ Aug 04, 2013
- @JayHeinrichs in coursera, storytelling and closeness to values are key to connect with the audience http://t.co/GnVVKoHjTC Aug 02, 2013
- Secure August 2013! The Securityandrisk post featuring http://t.co/ZtylHxbxQU http://t.co/1lpe77cWOB Aug 01, 2013
- @JayHeinrichs in a coursera hangout, more a a learning point each ten minutes not possible! http://t.co/GnVVKoHjTC Jul 31, 2013
- @humanhacker rhetoric is the art 2 manipulate verbally @JayHeinrichs in a coursera hangout, potential podcast guest? http://t.co/GnVVKoHjTC Jul 28, 2013
- 4 those Android users using Droidwall as smartphone FW: remember to reapply the rules right after a new app is installed Jul 26, 2013
- interview with Vupen CEO @cBekrar about 3 experts and 3 months to pown a current browser zero-day included http://t.co/gOqCdxRS1S Jul 24, 2013
- has the intention to limit complexity in life a security dimension? probably, would be wise to research on this Jul 21, 2013
- @timoreilly didnot want a 5to9 job after college nice inspiring talk http://t.co/LwM3NNdXaM thanks @edcorner Jul 19, 2013
- @timoreilly speaks at edcorner on how Internet changes our lives, I'd add apply security to it http://t.co/LwM3NNdXaM Jul 17, 2013
- could information tech security be understood as a layer in the information technology quality assurance process? Jul 14, 2013
- Lego CEO 50% annual sales happen in 6 weeks http://t.co/J45oZyoJLM applicable to infosec strategies and incidents? Jul 12, 2013
- Lego CEO: customer complaints are market leads, follow them up! http://t.co/J45oZyoJLM 100% applicable to infosec Jul 10, 2013
- Lego CEO on leadership - I learnt it working at a kindergarten http://t.co/J45oZyoJLM 100% applicable to infosec Jul 07, 2013
- Lego CEO on leadership - it happens when you are not there http://t.co/J45oZyoJLM applicable to infosec 100% Jul 05, 2013
- @ProfDavidNutt with @epunset http://t.co/YaeV56R2Hb on assessing drugs on damage to individual and society, useful criteria for infosec 2 Jul 03, 2013
- Whatsapp via python. Open security questions. Securityandrisk July post http://t.co/Z2Wopq7drB Jul 01, 2013
- disable Javascript, cookies and plugins in your browser and try to endure the experience understandable that users dislike security ;-( Jun 30, 2013
- some people prefer to follow me on Google+? Then go to http://t.co/jtk4pHW2s7 Jun 28, 2013
- some people prefer to follow me on facebook? then go to http://t.co/OVYqQEV16Q Jun 26, 2013
- remember, in linkedin settings>account>manage security settings>"when possible", use a secure connection (https) http://t.co/EEbvY3Vdew Jun 23, 2013
- Big European telco with EUR 750M fund to invest on startups and they find few candidates, infosec maybe? http://t.co/Chgvzw6hbb Jun 19, 2013
- @rnarang I mentioned your blog in a key Spanish-speaking security magazine http://t.co/oAhYUFNylx enjoy! Jun 18, 2013
- @JWGoerlich @J_Fox @Securelexicon with @wh1t3rabbit http://t.co/wB6gmVX7OG miller's law about truth http://t.co/JM9OeFTuug spot on! Jun 16, 2013
- @martinvars u probably know about it! worth listening to these 20 minutes! http://t.co/U6lTnuTaSh and with no business school ;-) Jun 15, 2013
- @JWGoerlich @J_Fox @Securelexicon with @wh1t3rabbit http://t.co/wB6gmVX7OG similar ideas in this book http://t.co/IBFnTlGtVW Jun 14, 2013
- @JWGoerlich @J_Fox @Securelexicon with @wh1t3rabbit frustated practising infosec? Listen to their tips! http://t.co/wB6gmVX7OG Jun 12, 2013
- Tesla co-founder M Eberhard at stanford "face reality every single day" http://t.co/NHhdHMVphJ applicable to infosec Jun 09, 2013
- @geoff_yang at stanford hire an inexperienced A player rather than an experienced B http://t.co/It1JwJfEZ3 darwinian! Jun 07, 2013
- @geoff_yang at stanford netflix case, if u let employees plan their leave days, they take less than if regulated http://t.co/It1JwJfEZ3 Jun 05, 2013
- @geoff_yang at stanford more people in the world have a mobile phone than access to water or electricity http://t.co/It1JwJfEZ3 Jun 02, 2013
- @RealGeneKim @kevinbehr @gspaff thanks for the great "Phoenix Project" book, here is a brief review! http://t.co/Z2Wopq7drB Jun 01, 2013
- @antisnatchor on eurotrashsecpodcast coding is key for a info security professional http://t.co/ukuMNRuPrb e.g. visit http://t.co/uI7gXdIIT4 May 31, 2013
- @johnolilly at stanford the best for the user on Internet is still to come http://t.co/UromCaTse0 also in infosec? May 29, 2013
- @johnolilly at stanford look 4 integrity, energy and intelligence traits also required in infosec http://t.co/UromCaTse0 May 26, 2013
- @ndm @alsmola @presidentbeef on the next step in web application testing http://t.co/pQtdkYhwwh May 24, 2013
- @martinvars try quickdroid, an android app, works like a charm May 24, 2013
- infosec professionals will soon have a dilemma on cyberwar according to @mjranum http://t.co/3gLCYGANF3 interesting view! May 22, 2013
- time to listen to an alternative & pacifist view on cyberwar? Then devote 72 min to @mjranum http://t.co/3gLCYGANF3 May 19, 2013
- interview with Vupen CEO @cBekrar in 22 minutes you get an idea of this peculiar market and their business model http://t.co/gOqCdxRS1S May 17, 2013
- @humanhacker interviews @pauljzak the close eye silence focusing on breathing, nifty resource http://t.co/L0avH8nUyG May 15, 2013
- @humanhacker interviews @pauljzak hug, use eye contact, be present, pay attention and you will connect http://t.co/L0avH8nUyG May 12, 2013
- video marketing on my second book Secure IT up! http://t.co/gTtnExfCvb on cyber insurance due diligence processes http://t.co/RcmMqDkORT May 10, 2013
- @humanhacker interviews @pauljzak people connect under mild stress but not under very high stress sits http://t.co/L0avH8nUyG May 08, 2013
- @humanhacker interviews @pauljzak u don't trust a con person, they make u believe that they trust u subtle detail http://t.co/L0avH8nUyG May 05, 2013
- @humanhacker interviews @pauljzak answer the how, when and why and you will connect http://t.co/L0avH8nUyG May 03, 2013
- @martinvars probably already aware, u are mentioned in a nice article by @marcgarrigasait about employment http://t.co/JfNfc4f0ZO May 03, 2013
- May 2013 Securityandrisk blog post about "the Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane: Applicable to Infosec? Probably http://t.co/Z2Wopq7drB May 02, 2013
- venture capitalist @TimDraper mentions bitcoin as the most valuable currency at Stanford talk http://t.co/iKeurjfurI May 01, 2013
- after listening to @humanhacker podcast e40 I came across this site http://t.co/BCr1Qo5gyy test it at your own risk Apr 28, 2013
- @theblindcook on @humanhacker pod e41 on failure, "try it maybe twice, otherwise it is not meant to be your call" wise approach! Apr 26, 2013
- need to check what you installed in your linux box lately? #less /var/log/apt/history.log simple ex-post monitoring security measure Apr 24, 2013
- for those security-aware Android users willing to identify what takes lots of memory space http://t.co/ei1jqIB5X6 nifty 155K enjoy! Apr 21, 2013
- @beaker http://t.co/JNH8pjuZw3 a worth-reading site 4 infosec professionals, mentioned in a security magazine http://t.co/B1uhvTCVbg Apr 20, 2013
- @billgates on @reddit "I am surprised how little progress has been made in the identity space, but it will improve" http://t.co/cX7nItLqTD Apr 19, 2013
- dedicated to those who monitor IT systems and need business reasons to convince stakeholders outside security do it http://t.co/EnJLLNX9lW Apr 17, 2013
- @longobord at 29c3 on privacy on new vehicles, an example of the complexity behind digital certificates http://t.co/zzZAUy7XhJ Apr 14, 2013
- @longobord at 29c3 talks on a case in which privacy could prevent safer cars interesting security paradox! http://t.co/zzZAUy7XhJ Apr 12, 2013
- Daniel Schechter with @epunset "90% of our thoughts during the day are social, social networks make us human", important fact in security. Apr 10, 2013
- J Bargh with @epunset http://t.co/T6qEiS3AsD "unconscious decision making is faster than conscious", useful fact to consider in security Apr 07, 2013
- PJ. Magistretti with @epunset brain plasticity makes us unique - a topic worth researching to understand how the brain acts on security! Apr 05, 2013
- @dataprivacyrisk on @Wh1t3Rabbit podcast cyber insurance application uses checklists, check out the questionnaire at http://t.co/hif32Msmw0 Apr 04, 2013
- @dataprivacyrisk on @Wh1t3Rabbit @JardineSoftware podcast cyber insurance costs will raise http://t.co/JgF8FH7MyM Apr 04, 2013
- Thanks to @dataprivacyrisk and @Wh1t3Rabbit plus @JardineSoftware 4 the cyber insurance podcast you will enjoy http://t.co/hif32Msmw0 Apr 04, 2013
- Secure April 2013! The Securityandrisk blog post featuring makingsecuritymeasurable http://t.co/Z2Wopq7drB plenty of useful sec links Apr 02, 2013
- @barabasi on @DLDConference #dld13 human mobility is 93% predictable http://t.co/mm4eurgnsh are our IT (in)security behaviours similar? Mar 31, 2013
- 3D printing on @DLDConference #dld13 will be able to even print food! http://t.co/OFW4GhRueI plenty of security requirements needed 4 this! Mar 29, 2013
- RSchuster on @DLDConference #dld13 http://t.co/02BpQV3ULn mobile payment need 2 be seemless, secure & fast - great! security as key 2... Mar 27, 2013
- @bhorowitz on @DLDConference #dld13 http://t.co/OFW4GhRueI difficult to distinguish great from bad ideas, the same applies to infosecurity? Mar 24, 2013
- @zsims on @DLDConference we consume content via our e-devices but few of us create on them http://t.co/u1IJbpuiJN aim: a secure consumption? Mar 22, 2013
- @AlecJRoss on @DLDConference #dld13 a business idea: start an online analytics company. I would add... with security in mind 2 attract users Mar 22, 2013
- @geoff_yang at stanford A players hire B players, B hire C and so on http://t.co/It1JwJfEZ3 also applicable to infosec? Mar 18, 2013
- according to @HarvardBiz maybe you need to seat and eat with your customers to negotiate, also for security measures? http://t.co/8FuWyk5KNT Mar 17, 2013
- Thanks for showing interest on the book "Secure IT Up! Cyber Insurance Due Diligence" reached #1 on Amazon Insurance > Liability e-books Mar 17, 2013
- @DeanOrnishMD at #dld13 fear is not a good long-term motivator 4 humans, useful thought also in Infosec avoid scaring http://t.co/XclzwgMvaP Mar 16, 2013
- Today the book "Secure IT Up! Cyber Insurance Due Diligence" is free http://t.co/RcmMqDkORT grab it & review it! Mar 15, 2013
- "Secure IT Up! Cyber Insurance Due Diligence" free for a day in one day http://t.co/RcmMqDkORT Mar 14, 2013
- DBainbridge on how adolescence is vital for human evolution, then is when we learn to manage risks http://t.co/T2WNxNs7nd is infosec aware? Mar 13, 2013
- heads up! Friday March 15th 2013, "Secure IT Up! Cyber Insurance Due Diligence" for free http://t.co/RcmMqDkORT spread the word Mar 13, 2013
- choosing your words is as essential with customers, colleagues and media as choosing switches in a nmap command line http://t.co/IBgOkqSIcw Mar 10, 2013
- pattern recognition increase in importance among professionals, not only in the digital but in human interactions http://t.co/yhWeiGZmlf Mar 09, 2013
- the key trait in management & leadership: generosity http://t.co/uCjbIBSXj5 certainly highly required among infosec professionals, remember! Mar 06, 2013
- @elsapunset on how to use intuition in decision-making, I wonder whether there is also a security-related intuition? http://t.co/2nUMM5CHj3 Mar 03, 2013
- Sec&Risk March blog post on the security rucksack of Android apps which additional one would you add? http://t.co/Z2Wopq7drB Happy reading! Mar 02, 2013
- human vision has 2 different channels to the brain, a conscious & an unconscious one Beatrice de Gelder http://t.co/oyFow42pRo and security? Feb 27, 2013
- @violetblue on harm reduction measures 4 hackers http://t.co/hIJ3KtEGbl hackers seem to be highly emotional individuals, worth studying! Feb 25, 2013
- @amyjccuddy on ted expand yourself for 2 min before a meeting http://t.co/oxfTId9ndj also applicable to infosec related meetings with... Feb 22, 2013
- @jadedsecurity building security guidelines for social networking providers? a la "pen test standard" PTES Feb 21, 2013
- Internet-based neighobourhood-based social networking, any startup focusing on this? It would require a sensible infosecurity strategy Feb 20, 2013
- @c7five on TEDx http://t.co/D9TUa51n information security is a great argument to build science-fiction plots? Will reality approach fiction? Feb 17, 2013
- @juliantreasure on TED poor acoustics makes us worse http://t.co/XsW49frz will a good acoustic design contribute to secure behaviours? Feb 15, 2013
- probably the key things u remember from your teachers, they don't remember them http://t.co/MB5v06bX applicable to sec awareness lessons? Feb 13, 2013
- placebo effect has been scientifically demonstrated http://t.co/YMRp4aSv what is placebo effect in infosecurity? maybe monitoring related? Feb 10, 2013
- @pauldotcom interviews @itsDanielSuarez swarming algorithms and their potential on military actions http://t.co/b9aNwVVh pen testing drones? Feb 10, 2013
- babies laughs 300 times a day and adults 20 http://t.co/9S7lz8R8 not good! if we would laugh more would we be readier to apply infosecurity? Feb 08, 2013
- @pauldotcom interviews @itsDanielSuarez "SW visually recognising hostile intentions on human beings already exists" http://t.co/b9aNwVVh Feb 08, 2013
- Bonobos and Chimpanzees, our relatives, they are so different http://t.co/NtCQU73C in infosecurity we need more bonobos and less chimpanzees Feb 06, 2013
- @pauldotcom interviews @itsDanielSuarez more than 50 countries are developing drones, so far no legal framework http://t.co/b9aNwVVh scary! Feb 06, 2013
- cannibalism was practised in prehistory as an energy-saving act http://t.co/VetNMM2e will info security be practised by humans 2 save energy Feb 03, 2013
- Sec&Risk Feb 2013 blog post with newcomer tips for newbies connecting an Android smartphone with a Ubuntu box for fun! http://t.co/WCP5uVMD Feb 02, 2013
- teaching children about death & life http://t.co/iB7ie1BI similarly, we should also teach Internet security to children in a sensible way Feb 01, 2013
- light therapy can help in sleep disorders http://t.co/8fdj2u7t I wonder the effect of light in (in)secure human behaviour, insecure darkness Jan 30, 2013
- the suprachiasmatic nucleus controls circadian rhythms http://t.co/EkiXG2l0 would there be a set of neurons deciding security postures? Jan 27, 2013
- R Foster studies on chronobiology state optimal medicine-taking times http://t.co/xz1lLKmv is there also an optimal secure-behaviour time? Jan 25, 2013
- spacecrafts use different colors in floor and ceiling to provide a reference with no gravity http://t.co/n8wXghu8 applicable to security? Jan 23, 2013
- would space colonization studies require new information security paradigms? http://t.co/AWSGyvMH science fiction to become reality? Jan 20, 2013
- #DLD13 converse about data & give it a human touch, nice trigger from DJ Patil and also applicable to information security & log monitoring Jan 20, 2013
- "the increased variability of language input" keep bilingual babies "open" http://t.co/kqO490Kf and an increased security variability? Jan 18, 2013
- To tell a lie you need more words than 2 tell the truth http://t.co/6HDkhWOB maybe a way to identify a potential social-engineering attempt? Jan 16, 2013
- KBoudreau on big data, the next revolution, comparable to the Internet one http://t.co/or1UyYFj this one has also a security dimension! Jan 13, 2013
- http://t.co/d3b7Br42 what about adding an infosec dimension to this challenging competition? we'll surely live in a future with robots Jan 11, 2013
- R Trivers, gene conflicts http://t.co/m9IwYPkN could it be that humans have a secure gen and an insecure one? http://t.co/g9xj1YoZ Jan 09, 2013
- lost in a hotel with an uncontrolled wireless and willing to connect your smartphone to check out your email? one could use @strongvpn_com Jan 07, 2013
- T Sharot on optimism, 97% of academics think they score above average http://t.co/C9WeYocH thought: r companies also infosecurity-optimists? Jan 06, 2013
- Today Amazon Prime Customers can borrow 4 free "Secure IT Up! Cyber insurance Due Diligence" http://t.co/mVp0fQNf seize the opportunity! Jan 05, 2013
- @pauldotcom e300p2 sec awareness: infosec pros need 2 train users on an ongoing basis http://t.co/ScwEDsKa as http://t.co/25WkAjdx says Jan 04, 2013
- Secure 2013! The Securityandrisk blog post featuring the new book Secure it up! Cyber insurance due diligence http://t.co/WCP5uVMD Jan 01, 2013
- @pauldotcom episode300p2 security awareness, infosec pros need to get better at marketing http://t.co/ScwEDsKa as http://t.co/25WkAjdx says Dec 30, 2012
- Information Security can leverage businesses, applying infosec measures in companies provides benefits, read it on Secure it up! the book Dec 27, 2012
- Benjamin Zander on classical music http://t.co/4tdWEzNm we need Zander alike figures 2 market infosecurity, it's fun and improve lives! Dec 25, 2012
- Secure it up! Cyber insurance due diligence. A new book by @itsecuriteer http://t.co/fe372Cvu or http://t.co/4eU7k8kG enjoy! Dec 24, 2012
- PDCe300 panel#1 most android devices react silently to command sms, still a long way to reach security http://t.co/SOjpvLB2 worth listening! Dec 23, 2012
- Thanks to @Mallavibarrena for his kind book review, really appreciate that "how to create an IT security team" helps http://t.co/3KqFmuck Dec 21, 2012
- @Beaker at AusCERT2012 perimeter does not dissapear, just multiplies itself and its diameter collapses, nicely spotted! http://t.co/lNFUdn7p Dec 19, 2012
- RT @martinvars: ppl associate success with the ability 2 do everything, but the paradox is that the better u do the more u say no to things. Dec 16, 2012
- what about arranging security teams based on their extroversion degree and not on skillset similarity? http://t.co/jHIs7R1R new ideas needed Dec 14, 2012
- an introvert managing a team of extroverts is a promising scenario, r security skills ideal for introverts or for both? http://t.co/jHIs7R1R Dec 12, 2012
- for those motivated to learn risk management... feeling attracted to enroll? let me know https://t.co/dlP8ShPD Dec 09, 2012
- if u think with a smile on your face, positive things happen, if you think security with a smile on your face, positive things happen? sure! Dec 07, 2012
- @adamlashinsky at Stanford @ecorner: a key intro AAPL newcomers receive on day 1 is about information security at work http://t.co/RtI30xPH Dec 05, 2012
- interesting topic to research: the correlation between hard work & discipline with information security preparedness (updating, patching, .. Dec 02, 2012
- Sec&Risk Dec2012 blog post, some modest command line kung-fu for linux/Ubuntu related to security and operations enjoy! http://t.co/WCP5uVMD Dec 01, 2012
- @adamlashinsky @ Stanford @ecorner: AAPL maintains their staff focused on their tasks using a secrecy policy http://t.co/RtI30xPH effective? Nov 30, 2012
- MLiwiki on SE podcast: your interlocutor's hands will tell you lots of their intention, a useful tip even at war http://t.co/2ZvHmXML Nov 29, 2012
- MLiwiki on SE podcast: stealing a pen when going for a job interview? 84% probable, candidates do not see as a theft http://t.co/2ZvHmXML Nov 26, 2012
- @adamlashinsky @ Stanford @ecorner: AAPL talk to media mostly about their products what should infosec talk with media? http://t.co/RtI30xPH Nov 23, 2012
- MLiwiki on SE podcast: meet the "happy feet" concept, feet are the most truthful feeling-showing body part (minute 48) http://t.co/2ZvHmXML Nov 22, 2012
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