One of the latest lectures is the one given by Jack Dorsey, creator of twitter and square. I took note of some learning points, maybe subjective, out of his talk.
They are brilliant points to consider when creating a start-up within the IT security world. Do not forget them!
- "Instrument" your company from day 1. The first thing he did in square (and not in twitter) is writing an admin control panel for their servers.
- Be a story teller. You need to inspire your team and your customers with a story, your idea.
- In the company, you act as the editor, composing the stories.
- The team you build is not permanent, different players will need to enter and exit according to their profiles, the current story and the "required edition".
- Internal communication: Everyone in the company will have the same priorities.
- External communication: You communicate with the product, your product is "your story for your customers".
- Money in the bank: The company needs it, firstly from investors and secondly, and more critical, from revenue.
- Limit the number of details. Those details that stay need to be perfect.
- A last sentence from his side:"expect the unexpected and, whenever possible, be the unexpected".
Happy listening!
ps Thanks to the Stanford's Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar crew!